
Rogue Galaxy: The Ghost Ship Guide

2:51 AM | ,

/    The Ghost Ship    \

**OPTIONAL DUNGEON 2; The Ghost Ship**

|   The Ghost Ship   |

o--------------------------------o  Now that your back at the title screen
|    Treasure Chests Found (78)  |  load your file with the silver star beside
o--------------------------------o  it. Head back to the Dorgenark and try to
|Thunder Shield                  |  choose a destination and you will see a
|Perfect Elixir x2               |  new area in the southwest corner of the
|Dark Onyx                       |  galaxy map called The Ghost Ship. Head
|Galactic Compass (Sun Key)(14)  |  there and you will encounter a small scene.
|Relaxing Aroma x5               |  Once you regain control, search to the west
|Dark Music Box (curse trap)     |  to find a chest containing THUNDER SHIELD.
|Rose of Passion                 |  This dungeon is long, in fact it makes the
|Forbidden Add-On                |  twin towers on Zerard look puny. Now make
|Perfect Heal x3                 |  your way north and save at the teleporter.
|Brave Symbol                    |  Save and enter the door. Follow the hallway
|Recharge Drink x5               |  and into the next room. The rooms are small
|Attack Seal x2                  |  so be careful or you may pass something.
|Queen Bee Stinger               |  Search the first room for a chest
|Hyper-Gravity Sensor (bomb trap)|  containing PERFECT ELIXIR x2. Pass through
|Mimic                           |  the next room and grab the chest in the one
|Mimic                           |  after that for a DARK ONYX.
|Dreamflower Ash x2              |
|Guardian Sphere                 |  Head through the next room and into the
|Ultraspicy Pepper               |  larger room. Try and enter the door to the
|Mermaid's Scale                 |  right and you will encounter a scene, Once
|Heal Potion x5                  |  it ends you will be at the beginning of a
|Valiant Luster (Sun Key)(15)    |  room that has three chests containing
|Hyper Crystal                   |  GALACTIC COMPASS (Sun Key), RELAXING AROMA
|Alluring Lamp                   |  x3 and DARK MUSIC BOX (curse trap).
|Stamina Extract x3              |  Continue through about four rooms until you
|Energy Charger                  |  have both a room to the west and a room to
|Pressure Pump                   |  the south. Head west for now and go through
|Mimic                           |  the series of rooms until you reach the
|Prominence Shield               |  last room. Jump up to the left in the room
|Elixir x3                       |  to find two chests containing ROSE OF
|Dark Music Box                  |  PASSION and FORBIDDEN ADD-ON. Now head back
|Hoho Bird Feather               |  to where the path of rooms split and head
|Sword of Sin                    |  into the southern room this time.
|Silver Bangle                   |
|Nebula Opal                     |  Follow the path and you will come across a
|Space Compressor                |  door. In the next room there is another
|Mimic                           |  branch in the path. Head through three
|Blizzard Shield                 |  rooms to the right to find a chest
|Izerium Alloy                   |  containing a PERFECT HEAL x3. Grab it
|Electric Eel (Star Key)(25)     |  and head back the branch and head north
|Pirate's Grog x5                |  from there. Search the last room to the
|Heal Potion x3                  |  north before the passage turns east for a
|Snow Crest x2                   |  chest containing BRAVE SYMBOL. Go through
|Max Heal x2                     |  the next room and search the room south of
|Mimic                           |  it for a chest containing RECHARGE DRINK x5
|Myriad Branch                   |  In the next room to the east there is a
|Ruby                            |  chest containing ATTACK SEAL x2. In the
|Miraculous Duo (bomb trap)      |  next to the south there are five chests
|Resurrection x3                 |  containing QUEEN BEE STINGER, HYPER-GRAVITY
|Plasma Burst Circuit            |  SENSOR (bomb trap), Mimic, Mimic and
|Galactic Compass                |  DREAMFLOWER ASH x2. Now head the east side
|Perfect Heal x2                 |  of this room and into the room to the
|Zeranium                        |  north. In the next room after this grab the
|Crystal Staff                   |  chest containing GUARDIAN SPHERE. Head
|Yago Milk x4                    |  through the door and save at the
|Strength Star (Sun Key)(16)     |  teleporter. Now head to the bottom of the
|Spirit Bell                     |  next room for a short scene.
|Premiere Toy Box                |
|Tri-Resurrection x2             |  Now continue through the door to the east
|Chaining Blades                 |  and then another one after that. Continue
|Paralysis Cure x5               |  through the first room and into the second
|Firestone x3                    |  and search for a chest containing
|Absolute Zero Stone (bomb trap) |  ULTRASPICY PEPPER. Now take the doorway to
|Mimic                           |  the southeast, and through the next room.
|Divine Protection               |  The following room has a chest containing
|Prominence Shield               |  HEAL POTION x5. Head through the next room
|Guard Seal (curse trap)         |  and into another for two chests containing
|Excelion Shard                  |  MERMAID'S SCALE and VALIANT LUSTER (Sun
|Revolva Alloy x2                |  Key). Two rooms after that has a chest
|Mellow Banana x3                |  containing a HYPER CRYSTAL. Head through
|Mimic                           |  the next room and search the west side
|Max Heal x4                     |  for a chest containing ALLURING LAMP. Take
|Iron Cube                       |  the northwest doorway and search the next
|Rose of Passion                 |  room for a chest containing Stamina Extract
|CO2 Powder x3                   |  x3. Head through the next door and head
|Sealing Sunsphere (curse trap)  |  east. Once you reach the last room before
|Edensia (Sun Key)(17)           |  the path heads south search for a chest
|Retro Boombox                   |  containing a Mimic. Head south through a
o--------------------------------o  couple of rooms to find a shopkeeper.
|    Enemies found in area (14)  |  Purchase what you need and head through
o--------------------------------o  the door to the east. Head through the
|Evil Skeletar (30)              |  next to find a teleporter. Save at the
|Cosmo Turtle (30)               |  teleporter and when your ready head
|Evil Relic (25)                 |  through the next door and down the stairs
|Sumo Bull (20)                  |  for a scene and battle..
|White Wall (20)                 |
|Spinner (20)                    |  BOSS BATTLE; Mud Whooper
|Wonder Kong (30)                |  (Recommended level 60)
|Trash Phantom (28)              |  HP; 20,189
|Hades Monk (30)                 |  Drops; 7,500 Exp, 1,820 Zehn, Heal Potion
|King Deimos (25)                |
|Cosmocore (30)                  |  You have fought this enemy once before
|Orochi (25)                     |  when you visited Juraika. You will be
|Spiral Sid (20)                 |  teleported to the same area temporarily
|Moon Moon (20)                  |  for this battle. He has more HP this time
o--------------------------------o  and his Lightning move is deadly. Use
Illusion Sword and and buffs you have and try and attack from a distance to
avoid his lightning. If he uses it be prepared to heal. Speed things up by
using high level combination moves if you want. He is rather easy so it
shouldn't take too long to dispatch him.

After the scene head back to the teleporter and save. Once you are ready head
through the other door to the east in the large room. Now head through the
other door and into the next set of smaller rooms. Head through two rooms and
search the next for four chests containing ENERGY CHARGER, PRESSURE PUMP, a
Mimic and PROMINENCE SHIELD. Now take the northern doorway and pass through
one room and into the next one for a chest containing ELIXIR x3. The next room
to the east has a chest containing DARK MUSIC BOX. Head into the next room and
prodeed south through three more rooms. Head through the southeast doorway in
this larger room and search the next for a chest containing HOHO BIRD FEATHER
x2. Take the door to the east and save at the teleporter ahead. Now proceed
down the stairs in the large room for a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Individer (Recommended level 60)
HP; 20,442
Drops; 8,000 Exp, 1,820 Zehn, Tri-Heal, Resurrection x2

This battle plays out just like the one you faced on Juraika. Equip the
Freeze Shot gun and shoot it once to freeze it. Quickly use buff skills
and hammer away at it. If the critters are getting annoying just use a
high level combination move to quickly dispatch then. After a little time
you will have to freeze it again. Repeat the process and always keep an
eye on your HP. It should be over in no time. 

Now climb the other set of stairs and search for a chest containing the
SWORD OF SIN. While it starts out at a lower attack power than the
Earthshaker you have now but it can be tranformed into a weapon called
Diabolos which has an astonisjing 400 attack power and has a max of 99 in all
elemental affinities. It will require a few different combinations, not just
one to make it, so keep that in mind.

Once are ready proceed through the door to the east. Head through the first
room you come across and into the second to find a chest containing SILVER
BANGLE. The next room has two chests containing NEBULA OPAL and SPACE
COMPRESSOR. Head through to the door to the east for a scene and battle..

HP; ????
Drops; Nothing

This is another survivor type battle. This battle is quite hard to survive in.
Not only is he fast but he can hit you for over 500 damage a hit if your not
blocking, so be ready to immediately heal if he hits you. Don't bother
attacking him, that could easily spell Game Over. He will leave after a brief
period of time.

For now take the door to the southwest. Go through this room and into the next
for a chest containing a Mimic Now head east through one room and into the next
to find two chests containing BLIZZARD SHIELD and IZERIUM ALLOY. Now head back
to the large room and take the northern doorway this time. Head into the third
room and you will find a chest containing ELECTRIC EEL (Star Key). The next
room to the east has a chest containing PIRATE'S GROG x5. Now head through two
more rooms and search the third for a chest containing HEAL POTION x3. Head
through the next room and into the next one to find five chests containing
SNOW CREST x2, MAX HEAL x2, a Mimic, MYRIAD BRANCH and RUBY. Head through two
rooms to the southwest and grab the chest containing MIRACULOUS DUO (bomb
trap). Now head bach to the room with the five chests you found and head east
through the door. Save at the teleporter. Once you are ready head through the
door to the east and down the stairs for a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Logan (Recommended level 61)
HP; 20,694
Drops; 8,250 Exp, 1,820 Zehn, Excelion Shard, Stealth Pills

First off this guys hits very hard and can quickly wipe out your entire party
if your not careful. Make use of Illusion sword and and buffs you have
available. You don't want to get too close to this guy especially since his
attacks are almost sure to daze you. You could use your strongest combination
moves as well, but even Supernova Lv.3 might only do around 3,000 damage. Just
keep your HP up at all times and re-use you Illusion Sword and buff skills when
they run out. It will be painful but won't last too long. I would suggest you
head back and save afterwards.

Once you are ready head through the doo to the east. Head through three rooms
and enter the large room. Head east into the next room to find two chests
containing RESURRECTION x3 and PLASMA BURST CIRCUIT. Now head south through two
rooms to find a chest containing GALACTIC COMPASS. Now head though the
southeast door and open the three chests for PERFECT HEAL x2, ZERANIUM and a
CRYSTAL STAFF. In the next room through the northeast door is a chest
containing YAGO MILK x4. Now head through a couple of rooms and into the larger
room. Search the east side of the room for a chest containing STRENGTH STAR
(Sun Key). Head through the doorway to the northwest and open the chest
containing SPIRIT BELL. Now head through three rooms to the west and search
the fourth room for two chests containing PREMIERE TOY BOX and TRI-RESURRECTION
x2. Now make your way back to the large room and take the doorway to the
northeast. Search this room for a chest containing CHAINING BLADES. Now head
past the next room and into the one after that to find a shopkeeper. Purchase
whatever you need and head through the door and save at the teleporter. Once
you are ready head through the door and down some stairs for a scene and

BOSS BATTLE; Gazel (Recommended level 62)
HP; 20,946
Drops; 8,500 Exp, 1,820 Zehn, Perfect Reviver, Stealth Pills

This battle is just like the one you faced in the Gladius Towers. He hits hard
and he can teleport. You want to stay at a distance and use Illusion Sword. Use
buffs as usual to speed the process up. Make sure you heal when you drop below
500 HP or you could end up taking the dirt nap. Use your buffs and Illusion
Sword again if they run out and just keep plugging away at this guy and he will
go down in a short while. Now save back at the teleporter and when your ready
head through the door to the east.

Proceed to the east until you come across another large room. Search in the
southest of this room for a chest containing PARALYSIS CURE x5. Search the two
rooms southeast and southwest of the large room for chests containing FIRESTONE
x3 and ABSOLUTE ZERO STONE (bomb trap). Now head through either doorway and
into a large room. Open the chest in the middle to battle a Mimic. In the room
to the east there will be a short scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Young Man (Recommended level 62)
HP; ????
Drops; Nothing

This is another survivor battle against hime. This battle is quite hard to
survive in. Not only is he fast but he can hit you for over 500 damage a hit
if your not blocking, so be ready to immediately heal if he hits you. Don't
bother attacking him, that could easily spell Game Over. Be very careful not
to fall down below because your camera angles are extremely limited. He will
leave after a brief period of time.

Now that the battle is over search the room for two chests containing DIVINE
PROTECTION and PROMINENCE SHIELD. Head through the doorway to the northeast
and make your way into another large room. Head north into the next room and
then through the northwest doorway. Head north again and search the next room
for a chest containing GUARD SEAL (curse trap). Head through the next room and
into the next to find a chest containing EXCELION SHARD. Now just continue
through the path of rooms to reach another teleporter. Once you are ready
proceed through the doors and down the stairs for a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Beast Leone (Recommended level 62)
HP; 21,452
Drops; 8,750 Exp, 1,820 Zehn

If you did the quarry "The Jungle Master" earlier you should recognize this
beast. Just like before, you have to destroy the rune on his head before you
can actually damage it. Be careful though this time he actually packs quite
a punch  so be ready to heal quickly. The best thing to do is start off by
using a powerful skill like Supernova Lv.3 or any other strong move. This will
take care of the rune. Now use Illusion Sword and buffs and hammer away at this
guy. Be sure to block if he starts pouncing around. It will go down eventually.

Now that you have beaten it, head back and use the teleporter. You are now on
the final stretch of this dungeon. Once you are ready head through the door to
the east and search the next room for two chests containing REVOLVA ALLOY x2
and MELLOW BANANA x3 In the next room through the northeast doorway there is
chest containing a Mimic. After defeating it search the next room for a chest
containing MAX HEAL x4. Now continue east as far as you can go and the head
south to evebtually reach another large room. Head east into the next room and
search for two chests containing IRON CUBE and ROSE OF PASSION. Head east into
the next room and south in the next room to find a chest containing CO2 POWDER.
x3. Head south into another large room and then east into the next room. You
will be in another large room. Upon enter immediately search to the right for
a chest containing SEALING SUNSPHERE (curse trap). Now head south into the next
room for a scene. Now head east until reach another large room. In the room to
the north there are two chests containing EDENSIA (Sun Key) and RETRO BOOMBOX.
The next room has a shopkeeper so be sure to get what you need now. Now head
through the next door and down the hall and save at the teleporter. Make sure
you are absolutely ready when you head into the next room. In the next room
there will be a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Arabis (Recommended level 64+)
HP; 21,000
Drops; 9,000 Exp, 2,100 Zehn

The final showdown of this dungeon and by far the hardest. Start of by using
Illusion Sword and any buff skill you have, your going to need it. Watch out
when he starts spinning around, since it hits rather hard. Make sure you keep
hitting from a distance with Illusion Sword on and heal frequently. Once you
take of a portion of his HP there will be a scene and now the battle the battle
just got a whole lot harder. It is strongle advised that you do not try and go
full out assault on him. Just do a few hits at a time otherwise he can easily
dispatch you with his spinning move. His yellow laser is also deadly but easy
enough to avoid. If you make sure you heal often and only attack at the best
opportunities you will eventually emergr victorious.

Afterwards there will be a few small scenes and you will receive the Captain's
Suit and the Dorgenedge Sword. This sword kicks ass. It can be trasformed into
the Dorgencalibur which has a staggering 500 attack power and 99 in all
elemental affinities. Anyways head back outside and there will be a person
by the entrance teleporter, who will ask you some random questions if you talk
to him.

End of the Ghost Ship..

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