
Rogue Galaxy: Chapter 13

2:47 AM | ,

/    Chapter Thirteen, To Eternity    \

From now on if you visit any shop almost all items will be available in
infinite amount. Now you can buy infinite of the damn Roses of Passion and few
other key Revelation and Factory materials.

|   Mariglenn, Mother's Lair   |

o--------------------------------o  Once you are ready head north of the
|   Treasure Chests Found (29)   |  Endpoint teleporter in the Gulza Sanctuary
o--------------------------------o  to enter the final dungeon. This is a
|Tri-Charge                      |  fairly lengthy dungeon. Follow the path to
|Perfect Heal                    |  reach a chest on the right side containing
|Skull Necklace                  |  TRI-CHARGE and a chest containing PERFECT
|Silver Bangle                   |  HEAL on the left side. Follow the path and
|Lucky Clover                    |  you will reach a branch in the path. Take
|Electroless                     |  the path to the left first. Follow the path
|Stealth Pills x4                |  and search the pit for a chest containing
|Phantasmic Glaive               |  ELECTROLESS. Up ahead grab the chest
|Mimic                           |  containing STEALTH PILLS x4. Up the path
|Electric Eel                    |  there is one more chest containing
|Gigaton Arms                    |  PHANTASMIC GLAIVE. Back at the branch take
|Hyper Crystal (Sun Key)(13)     |  the path to the left this time. There will
|Stamina Extract                 |  be a split level path to take for now. Take
|Tri-Resurrection (bomb trap)    |  the left side and you will shortly reach a
|Strength Star                   |  chest containing SKULL NECKLACE. There are
|Galactic Compass                |  several times the main path will divide for
|Crystal Staff                   |  a short while and then reconnect together.
|Premiere Toy Box                |  Further up ahead you will find a chest
|Galactic Assault (thief's trap) |  containing a SILVER BANGLE. Continue down
|Perfect Elixir x3               |  the path and it will head north a bit.
|Galactic Compass                |  Grab the chest in the corner of the path
|Smoke Rainbow Newt              |  containing LUCKY CLOVER. Futher ahead there
|CO2 Powder                      |  is a chest containing a Mimic. Up ahead
|Sealing Sunsphere               |  there is a teleporter. Step on it and you
|Dream Mushroom                  |  will now be able to have a spot to teleport
|Myriad Branch                   |  back to.
|Snow Crest                      |  
|Mimic                           |  Now keep to the left side and jump down to
|Guardian Sphere x3              |  reach a chest containing ELECTRIC EEL. Now
o--------------------------------o  cross over the lava to reach another branch
|    Enemies found in area (11)  |  in the path. Follow the right path down to
o--------------------------------o  the end for a chest containing GIGATON ARMS
|Magic Priest (30)               |  and then head back and follow the other
|Alacan (20)                     |  path. Follow the path for a bit and you
|Face of Evil (30)               |  find a chest containing HYPER CRYSTAL (Sun
|Bit (30)                        |  Key). Just up a bit an to the right there
|Magic Fighter (30)              |  is a chest containing STAMINA EXTRACT. Once
|Deimos (25)                     |  you jump the next lava creek search beside
|Dragon (20)                     |  a boulder next to it for a chest containing
|Red Baron (30)                  |  TRI-RESURRECTION (bomb trap). Now follow
|Togroth (20)                    |  the path north and keep to the right side.
|Platinum Kite (20)              |  just before the path turns again, head
|Hell Sorcerer (20               |  right and down the small branch to collect
o--------------------------------o  a chest containing STRENGTH STAR. Follow
the path and watch out for the lava pits when heading down. On the other side
there is a chest containing GALACTIC COMPASS. Those are the final Revelation
items you need so this should get you started. Now follow the path ahead to a
teleporter and another branch in the path. Save and head east.

Once you pass the lava creek you you will find a chest after the path turns
south containing CRYSTAL STAFF. Now follow the path for a pit and cross the pit
to eventually reach a chest containing PREMIERE TOY BOX. Now head all the way
back to the last teleporter and head west. You'll eventually reach another
branch in the road. Search the area just ahead for a chest containing GALACTIC
ASSAULT (thief's trap), and then take the road south. Follow the path and
search for a chest just after the path heads west for a moment containing
PERFECT ELIXIR x3. Continue down for a while and cross the lava creek. Search
on the other side of it for a chest containing GALACTIC COMPASS. Now continue
south to reach the other side of the large open chamber. Open the chest
containing SMOKED RAINBOW NEWT. Now back to the fork and head north. 

Follow the path all the way until you reach a chest to the right containing
CO2 Powder and a teleporter. Save and continue north. Just past the fire creek
there is the one and only shopkeeper in this horribly long dungeon. The
selection for healing items is rather crappy, but he does carry some very good
weapons. Now continue north for a while. Just past the statue head you will
find a chest containing SEALING SUNSPHERE. Follow the path for quite a distance
and search the pit for a chest containing DREAM MUSHROOM. Continue following
the path and eventually it will head down into the next area.

Be careful when jumping down here or you might fall into some lava. Afterwards
save at the teleporter and grab the chest the north and down to the left for a
MYRIAD BRANCH. Now you will have to follow the path for quite a long distance
to reach a chest containing SNOW CREST. Follow the path a little further to
reach another branch. Take the path to the left to eventually reach a chest
containing a Mimic. Now head back up and take the other path this time. Follow
this path for another lengthy distance and you will reach a chest containing
GUARDIAN SPHERE x3. Just a little further is the main games final teleporter.

Now before you continue any further I advise you to visit the various shops
and max out the following items; Max Heal, Perfect Heal, Tri-Heal,
Resurrection, Tri-Resurrection, Elixir, Tri-Elixir, Recharge Drink, Tri-Charge
and any other items you need. You have numerous boss battles coming soon.

If you haven't done so already synth the strongest weapons for your characters.
Every little bit helps. You will need to equip that Zeo Synchros on Jaster as
well for the upcoming battle. Tke great consideration that if you lose any of
these battles, you will have to re-do all of them.

Once you are all set and ready head east from the Core teleporter after saving.
Watch your step when you head down so you don't fall in the lava. Jump up the
ledge and enter the final room for some scenes. After the scene be prepared to

BOSS BATTLE; Mother (Recommended level 58)
HP; 30,000
Drops; Nothing

The start of a series of battle. This battle is quite difficult. You must have
the Zeo Synchos equipped for the battle. Once the battle starts use the
Monography Shot and create a series of platforms up to her head. Be careful
she may swing her hand and knock you off. Hopefully you don't land in the
lava. Swing away and eventually the platforms will disappear and her head will
drop down. Now unleash all your most powerful attacks. Use buffs if you want
but if you do, do them quickly. You will want to keep an eye on you HP. Once
her head goes back up repeat this process until she is defeated.

Watch the scene and prepare to battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Mother (final form)(Recommended level 58)
HP; 34,000
Drops; Nothing

For this battle you will depend on heavy damage combo moves or your long range
weapons. The easiest way to win this battle id to spam moves like Supernova,
Fated Passion, Hell's Gate Flame etc,. Make sure to heal if she hits you
though. It shouldn't take too long to rip her to shreds.

Watch  a few scenes and be prepared to battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Demon Battleship (Valkog's Hand)(Recommended Level 58)
Drops; Nothing

This your first battle that you must be very careful in. You will have control
of Deego in a one-on-one battle. The first thing you need to do is run around
avoiding the beam he shoot out until his fist closes. At this point blast away
at his ring and the first will open. You may have to wait a couple of seconds
for it to work. It is critical you block his attacks and heal when you need to.
This will take a while but you should do okay.

Now for another battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Demon Battleship (Bomb Walker)(Recommended level 58)
HP; 15,390
Drop; Nothing

This battle is rather easy. You will control Simon for this battle. Use his
Raging Dragon attacks repeatedly and block when you are recharging you action
gauge. Make sure you keep an eye on your HP just in case. It'll go down fairly

Now for another battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Demon Battleship (Bomb Walker 2)(Recommended level 58)
HP; 15,390
Drops; Nothing

This battle is the same battle as Simon's except you now control Steve. Use
Icy Beam Lv.3 repeatedly and block while charging you action gauge. Heal when
needed just don't leave yourself open. It'll go down eventually.

Now for another battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Demon Battleship (Core)(Recommended Level 58)
HP; 12,000
Drops; Nothing

Again like Simon and Steve's battle, just use Lilika's strongest moves and
block while charging. Keep your HP up at all times. It won't take too long to
defeat it.

Now for another battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Demon Battleship (Valkog's Hand 2)(Recomended Level 58)
Drops; Nothing

This your second character battle that you must be very careful in. You will
have control of Jupis in a one-on-one battle. The first thing you need to do
is run around avoiding the beam he shoot out until his fist closes. At this
point blast away at his ring and the first will open. You may have to wait a
couple of seconds for it to work. It is critical you block his attacks and
heal when you need to. This will take a while but you should do okay.

Now for another battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Demon Battleship (Izel)(Recomended Level 58)
HP; 15,390
Drops; Nothing

This battle you control Zegram. This battle is harder than the other character
battles you have fought so far. You need to shoot the his neck once and he wlll
move his hands away from his head and you are free to blast away with his
distance weapon or climb up the should and attack it's head that way. Just make
sure to use Drunken Burst and Twin Hits to make it go faster. You'll have to be
quick or you will have to hit his neck again. Make sure you heal when needed
and you should be alright.

Now for another battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Demon Battleship (Norma)(Recomended Level 58)
HP; 15,390
Drops; Nothing

You will now be controlling Kisala. All you need to do in this battle is just
spam your most powerful moves and heal when needed. She is easy to bring down.

Now for the final showdown..

FINAL BOSS BATTLE; Demon Battleship (Valkog)(Recomended Level 58)
HP; 22,540
Drops; Nothing

This battle is an absolute pain in the ass. Not only is it extremely
difficult, but if you lose you will have to re-do the whole series of battles.
You will now be controlling Jaster for this battle. You will notice he has a
new sword equipped. It is mega powerful, but very slow. You can't use any
abilities at all in this battle just and you can't use your secondary weapon
either. Now you will notice how Valkog has his hands covering his face at
times. If he has his hands covering his head and you attack the hands to get
to his head he will counter attack so be ready to block. This will cause him
to move his hands allowing you to attack the head. You will probably only get
3-4 good swings in at a time. If you see him starting to shoot out a yellow
be prepared to move out of the way or block. Always keep your HP at full as
well. If he hits you with a sudden attack it can kill you. Once in a while
there will be some mines that will appear beneath you. Block if that happens.
Patience and lots of healing is key to winning this battle. Just do a bit of
damage each time he moves his hands, he'll go down eventually.
But wait there's more. Save your game at the end of the credits and you will
now be able to participate in two more dungeons. Beware!!! these dungeons are
long and very difficult but you will be well rewarded for your efforts.

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