
Rogue Galaxy: The Ghost Ship Extreme Guide Part I

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/   The Ghost Ship Extreme    \

**OPTIONAL DUNGEON 3; The Ghost Ship Extreme**

Before you can enter the ghost ship extreme you will have to answer one of
seven random multiple choice questions. You have a total of four choices to
choose from. I will make it easy for you and just give you the correct
answers. You will only have to answer seven questions so many won't be asked.

(In no particular order)

*SPOILER ALERT; This does contain content from the entire game so please don't
read this unless you are already at this part*

Q; Wait a while at the title screen to view the opening movie. Which character
   makes the most appearances next to Jaster?
A; Kisala
Q; The secret behind Monsha's luxurious coat is a balanced diet and ...
A; 3 hrs. of exercise a day
Q; You got through Arabis's ghost ship not too long ago. So which of these
   didn't show up while you were there?
A; Sand Kraken
Q; Faeries are the most elusive of Insectors. Amongst these, the shyest little
   sprite is the pigtailed ...
A; Mary Faerie
Q; Which of these is crushed into a powder and used as makeup by Burkaquan
A; Yanan Fruit
Q; Henry and Robert are members of MIO's fan club, and the two of them have her
   signature move down pat. Do you?
A; Turn twice and "Kawaii!"
Q; Filio, Dario, and Sherio are three strange fellows living on Juraika. What's
   their real relationship?
A; Good Friends
Q; Miyoko and Chie are always wandering aimlessly. How many times do you come
   across them?
A; 4 Times
Q; How often does Arabis's ghost ship appear?
A; Once every 40 years
Q; She's in love with pink and looks for it everywhere. Her boyfriend's just
   along for the ride. Who are they?
A; Pinky and Arnim
Q; The crew of the Dorgenark always give such good advice. Which one weighs the
A; Davis
Q; Valkog's hair is ...
A; Blonde
Q; Dorgengoa recognizes Jaster as a pirate and gives him a coin. What's on it?
A; A skull
Q; Who was the galaxy's top shipwright, the man who built the Dorgenark along
   with Dogengoa?
A; Chrisden Ark
Q; Toady can help transform your allies' weapons. Which of the following is one
   of Simon's most powerful launchers?
A; Paradise Lost
Q; Your friends all have their won swimming style: Jaster does the breath
   stroke, Deego does the doggy paddle, and so on. But what about Simon?
A; Flutter Kick
Q; One of Kisala's abilites is "Deadly Stench", wherein she lobs one of
   Dorgengoa's socks at a foe. If the enemy doesn't die it becomes ...
A; Poisoned
Q; Kisala's "Mist Boots" are made out of which animal's fur?
A; Galactic Mink
Q; Who is Mariglenns' queen and Kisala's mother?
A; Freidias
Q; The Seven-Star Swords are legendary galactic treasures. Desert Claw gives
   you the Desert Seeker; which one does Raul leave in the church?
A; Pride of Kings
Q; The galaxy's treasures are noted in this adventure log, which happens to be
   Dorgengoa's favorite book.
A; The Geo Record
Q; Jaster and and his friends bounty hunt on the side. Which of these quarries
   is the "Jungle Master"?
A; Beast Leone
Q; What colour is the scarf that's a part of Jaster's "Desert Claw" costume?
A; Red
Q; How many "oa"s did Monsha tack onto his whoa before crashing on Juraika?
A; 4
Q; Juraika's Jundeepest jungle is home to exceedingly rare coffee beens. What
   does everyone call this treasure?
A; Burkaqua Mountain
Q; What is the model number of Ragnar, the Mariglenn multipurpose android you
   meet in the Sylvazard Desert labyrinth?
A; R2947
Q; The Sand Kraken was an ancient beast sleeping in the Sylvazard Desert
   labyrinth. How many legs does it have in total?
A; 8
Q; Let's see how sharp you are. What's the unit of currency in the Guin system?
A; Zehn
Q; Which of Steve's special attack abilities gives 120 percent power, all the
A; Strange Beam
Q; Which one of these is the tallest?
A; Mish
Q; Which beast did Jaster take on first?
A; Baphu
Q; How many piercings does Zegram have in his ears? (Hint: Get up close and
   look verrry carefully!)
A; 2
Q; Jupis was behing the Starship Factory takeover in Zerard. Who was the
   reporter that covered this breaking news?
A; Lucy Dyne
Q; What is the name of the guy quizzing you on the Seventh Mystery--in other
   words, me?
A; Minoc
Q; Which of these is not an Insector?
A; Itsahuman
Q; Who is not a receptionist at the Galaxy Corperation?
A; Miralka
Q; Which of these is a real beast?
A; Smilier
Q; The hunter Tamara Panola is right up there in the ranks. When she's on the
   prowl, where can you usually find her?
A; Vedan Spaceport
Q; Zegram is particularly fond of "Pirate's Grog". What's it's alcohol
A; 80%
Q; What's the name of Dorgenark's stylish lounge, where crewmembers can always
A; Veronica
Q; The bartender at the Dorgenark's lounge shows up in the Insectron S-Rank
   match. What's his "Ring Name"?
A; Jin Red
Q; Desert Claw is a strong ally, apearing when you need him most. What's his
   real name?
A; Mizel
Q; What color is the pattern on Burkaquan Chief Ugozi's loin cloth?
A; Orange
Q; What's the name of the android Insector invented by Dr. Pocacchio?
A; White Miracle
Q; What is Dr. Pocaccio's full name
A; Donald Pokacho
Q; In Chapter 13, Jaster and his friends gathered heart energy in the form of
   "Drigellums". What color is Deego's Drigellum?
A; Orange
Q; Which of these female hunters very nearly caught the Myna tunnel beast known
   as The Rumored Lady Hunter?
A; Tamara Panola
Q; Who's the eternal rock star everyone talks about at the Myna Power Station
A; Safari
Q; Zax Morarty has Myna under his thumb. You only get to see him in one
   cutscene, but what color was his suit?
A; White
Q; Each of Zax Morarty's henchman make their own fashion statements, but which
   of the following was missing when they first appeared?
A; Fancy eyeglasses
Q; These blushing newlyweds accidentally came to Myna for their honeymoon.
A; Brahms and Heidemarie.
Q; What is the official name of the planet Mariglenn?
A; Le Marie Glennecia
Q; What was the name of the ultimate Drigellum, made from the hearts of all
A; Prayer
Q; Jaster set off across the desert towards the Dorgenark to become a space
   pirate. Who was the man that lent him a yago?
A; Katahari
Q; Jupis Tooki McGanel knows how to get ahead! When he joined Dorgenark's crew,
   with what did he bribe Kisala?
A; Dumplings
Q; Lovely! Honey! MIO!! When MIO's in concert, what's the name of the clone
   robot that takes her place at the reception desk?
A; M10
Q; The mysterious prisoner you meet in Rosencaster Prison is actually who?
A; Admiral Banarge
Q; Jaster and Kisala met in the Rosa desert. What were Kisala's first words to
A; "Over here!"
Q; Jaster beat his first quarry, the Scorching Alchemist in the Salgin
   residential area. How many points did he earn?
A; 20,000
Q; The Draxian Empire is the sword enemy of the Longardian Federation. Only
   one of Draxil's weapons appear in the game. Which one?
A; Zenon D
Q; Draxil is the sword enemy of the Longardian Federation. What is its full
A; The Draxilian Empire
Q: MIO is Zerard's favorite super-idol. Which of the following was the first to
   become a member of her fan club?
A; Dr. Pocacchio
Q; Travelers can only land on the ocean planet Alistia for a limited period of
   time. Who's responsible for this rule?
A; The Galaxy Corperation
Q; There's a beast out there that likes to eat Granshees like Jupis. What kind
   of beast is it, anyways?
A; A bird
Q; What was the name of Rogue Galaxy's developer's first game?
A; Dark Cloud
Q; When did the legendary planet Mariglenn tuck itself away into another
A; 10,000 years ago
Q; Where do miners on Myna like to go after a hard day's work?
A; Angela's Bar
Q; Running, running, always running. What does Deego talk about while out
   running from place to place?
A; Military drills
Q; Which one of these people seems to have no interest in the Insectron?
A; Professor Izel

Once you have answered all seven questions correctly, you will be given the
Key to the Underworld. There are a few things you need to take into
consideration when going through this dungeon.

1; There are a total of 100 floors.
2; If you leave at any time before completing it you will have to start again
   from scratch.
3; You can't go down floors, period.
4; Floors are random, so there is no actual walkthrough for each floor.
5; Chests are completely random, so I can't give you any detailed list. You're
   sure to get a few good chests on the way to the top.
6; There are different elevators to choose from, but only one will allow you
   to proceed up to the next floor..
7; DO NOT have any character set on Go All Out. This is the fastest way for
   them to completely waste your good healing items (I had characters using
   Elixirs when there were only down 200 HP etc,.)
8; There are some shops every 30th floor, so take full advantage of them.
9; Try and save hunting for the floors with shops, this way you can restock
   when needed. Take what you can get until those points.

Other; It is be strongly recommended that you build up the Dorgenedge into
the Dorgencalibur.

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