
Rogue Galaxy: The Ghost Ship Extreme Guide Part II

2:55 AM | ,

|   The Ghost Ship Extreme   |

o--------------------------------o  Make absolutely sure you have as many items
|    Treasures Chests Found (?)  |  as possible, even if they are lowly Heal
o--------------------------------o  Potions, trust me you'll need them. Once
|    Enemies found in area (30)  |  you are ready use the Key to the Underworld
o--------------------------------o  at the "Thinking Circle", and be prepared
|Ghost Baphu (30)                |  to conquer the longest dungeon in the game
|Shellknight Zombie (30)         |  by far. You will probably be in here for no
|Blue Ogre (30)                  |  less than eight hours. There are some
|Spritz (25)                     |  teleporters so you won't have to make the
|Black Buffalo (20)              |  trek in one day. Make your way to the 10th
|Soul Epitaph (25)               |  floor. The enemies along the way are rather
|Skullwood (30)                  |  easy for now. Once you reach the 10th floor
|Phantom Claw (30)               |  there will be a teleporter and a door. Head
|Spax (30)                       |  down the stairs for a scene and battle..
|Grand Bee (35)                  |
|Big Wall (20)                   |  BOSS BATTLE; Brazo de Peirrots
|Mad Stump (30)                  |  (Recommended level 65)
|Phantom Sword (25)              |  HP; 13,469 (each)
|Quatro Fowl (20)                |  Drops; 4,200 Exp, 2,856 Zehn
|Death Round (20)                |
|Ghoul (30)                      |  This battle is like a walk in the park. The
|Cosmo King (30)                 |  easiest thing to do is use all your
|Exploder (20)                   |  allies' special combination moves or even
|Evil Scrap (28)                 |  single multiple hitting moves. These guys
|Garm (30)                       |  will drop like a stone. Just keep an eye on
|Devil Cluster (20)              |  you HP and you'll be fine.
|Devil Frog (30)                 |
|Dark Monk (30)                  |  Head back and save and recover lost HP and
|Devil Armor (25)                |  AP. Once you have everything, make you way
|Lord Clumpy (30)                |  up to the 20th floor. Find the teleporter
|Cerberus (30)                   |  to the south a bit. Save and head through
|Dark Worm (25)                  |  the other door and down the stairs for a
|Uruma (20)                      |  short scene and battle..
|Solomo (20)                     |
|King Alacan (20)                |  BOSS BATTLE; Necromantis  
o--------------------------------o  (Recommended level 66)  
                                    HP; 27,256
                                    Drops; 4,500 Exp, 2,737 Zehn

The first thing you need to do to start the battle is use a charge attack to
break his barrier. This guy is rather slow, but don't let that fool you. He
hits for at least 500 damage a hit, and sometimes affecting the whole party.
Use Illusion Sword and any good buff skill. Just be sure to heal regularly.
It will go down in a short period of time.

One you are done, head back to the teleporter and save. Now continue through
the other door on the opposite side of the large room and start the ascent.
Once you reach the teleporter, there should also be a shopkeeper as well. Once
you have everything you need head through the other door and down some stairs
for a scsne and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Iron Hammer (Recommended level 67)
HP; 27,592
Drops; 5,000 Exp, 2,737 Zehn

This canbe a rather easy battle, even though you do have to strike its head to
damage it. Use Illusion Sword since it has an absurd weakness towards holy
damage and use buff skills. It should drop rather fast. Be sure to heal though
if he hits you, some his attacks are rather deadly. It won't take too long to

Now head back to the teleporter and restock your supplies at the shop even if
you only used one item. Save, and be prepared for a whole new set of enemies
from floors 31-60. Make your way up to the 40th floor now. Once you reach floor
40, save at the teleporter. Once you are ready head through the door and down
the stairs to for a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Paragryphon (Recommended level 67)
HP; 27,928
Drops; 5,500 Exp, 2,737 Zehn

This bird can sure hit hard. He can breath flames at you hitting you for well
over 400 damage and can hit the whole party. He also has a laser attack which
packs a punch. Use Flash Blade and your buff skills and hammer away at him.
Make sure you heal frequently cause you could wind up dead if you try and
get a full chain of attacks in. Eventually he will fall.

Save at the teleporter and then ascend to floor 50. Once you reach floor 50
save at the teleporter. Head through the door and down the stairs for a scene
and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Pandor (Recommended level 68)
HP; 28,266
Drops; 6,000 Exp, 2,737 Zehn, Hunter Coin

Another mimic type creature but this one will require the Barrier Break Shot
first to damage it. The ironic part with this battle is that the regular Mimics
you battle in the Ghost Ship are actually harder than this boss. Just use the
usual Illusion Sword and buffs and heal when necessary. It won't take to long.

Now save back at the teleporter and ascend to floor 60. You will want to start
limited the fights from now until you finish. You can always come through when
your a little higher level if you want to finish your hunts. If you don't limit
yourself you might run out of items. Now comes all the enemies with those
irritating barriers and shields etc,. Once you make it to floor 60 save at the
teleporter and be sure to restock your supplies. Head through the door and down
the stairs for a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Gokillas (Recommended level 70)
HP; 10,000 (each)
Drops; 9,999 Exp, 2,770 Zehn

This battle is rather easy and these guys are rather tiny. Just spam moves
such as Supernova, Hell's Gate Flame, Fated Passion etc, a few times and it
will be over before you know it. Just make to keep your HP topped.

Head back to the teleporter and save and once your ready proceed to floor 70.
From floor 60-90 there will now be completely new enemies. These guys are quite
hard, at least most of them are. Once you arrive save the the telporter at the
usual spot. Head through the doors and down the stairs for a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Guillotine Eddie (Recommended level 72)
HP; 28,938
Drops; 7,000 Exp, 2,776 Zehn

How convenient, another boss weak against holy attacks. This one is a harder
battle though. The first order of business is using a charge attack to drop
his shield. Be very careful when he jumps in the air, he can devastate you with
a shockwave type attack that can do up to 600-700 damage. You best bet is to
have two characters that can use attack raising buffs for this battle and have
Jaster use Illusion Sword. You don't want to drag this battle out longer than
necessary. Heal when needed and of course reuse your buffs when needed. It will
take a while but he will go down.

Now save at the teleporter and then make your way up to floor 80. There will
be a few more enemies added to the mix. Make sure you preserve on Tri-Charge
because the shop on floor 90 does not sell them. Once you arrive at floor 80
save at the teleport and proceed through the other door and down the stairs
for a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Beast Leota (Recommended level 73)
HP; 29,276
Drops; 7,500 Exp, 2,776 Zehn

Again? Well this battle is identical to the other two battle against this
beast. Use powerful combination attacks and get rid of the rune on his head.
Once that is done use you handy Illusion Sword and Zegram's Fire Sword to
kill this beast. Make sure you keep your HP up because it can hit rather hard.
After a while it will fall.

Once that is finished save at the teleporter and head up to floor 90. Beware
from here until you complete this dungeon, it will be more of a survival
challenge. Once you arrive at the 90th floor purchase what you need from the
shopkepper and then save at the teleport. Proceed through the door and down
the stairs for a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Jabor (Recommended level 75)
HP; 29,612
Drops; 9,800 Exp, 2,965 Zehn

This battle is very hard. What ever you do, do NOT try and attack up close.
You will first have to use the Barrier Break Shot and remove the barrier.
Be very careful to avoid his spinning move, since he can wipe the party out.
Stay back and use Illusion sword and at least one buff skill, preferably as
many as you can get. Hack away with Jaster and try to keep one person
devoted to healing if possible. It wont be a long battle but a very painful
one. Just keep reusing your Illusion Sword and buffs when they run out and
eventually he will go down.

Now once that battle is finished head back to the shopkeeper to restock and
save at the teleporter. Your now down to the last stretch. There are new
enemies again and these guy are the worse of the bunch. Try not to fight too
many of them becuse they do diminish your item supply quite quickly.
Once you get to the final floor save at the teleporter and prepare to face the
ultimate battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Doppleganger (Recommended level 75+)
HP; 29,612
Drops; 10,000 Exp, 3,425 Zehn

This is it, the final showdown against the hardest enemy in the game. And you
are going to be at this guy for a while. He has absurd defense, is fast and
like to jump up and mess with your auto locker. It is critical that you keep
your HP at near to full amount at all times. Since his defense is so high you
won't be doing very much damage. I strongly advise having Kisala for this
battle and possibly Deego. Use abilities like Dagger Slash with Kisala, Top
Dog and Bone Shield with Deego and have Jaster stand back and use Illusion
Swords. Keep Jaster as the primary healer for this battle. You do not want
all three characters getting too close. Use your buffs again when needed and
keep you HP at all times and you will eventually conquer this foe.


You will be awarded with Kisala's Swimsuit. Sweet!!, Beach Sandals, and a Royal
Fruit (useful for acquiring the game's best Insector). If you complete the
Ghost Ship Extreme once more you can acquire Simon's Sho's Outfit.

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