
Rogue Galaxy: Chapter 5

2:26 AM | ,

/    Chapter Five, The Master Hacker    \

For the next chapter your party will consist of Jaster, Steve and Lilika.

Once that scene finishes, you can head back to the Rosencaster Prison and ride
the elevator down from the exit you came out of reach a new unexplored section
of the prison. Follow the path and enter the elevator heading down to another
part Interior Pathway A3. Follow the hall for a bit to find a chest containing
an ULTRASPICY PEPPER. Yay! That's it for the prison. If you want you can visit
the shops around the city to stock up, and to check out the new stock
available. Now make your way to the East Side and head past the weapon shop.
Ahead you will encounter a small scene. Once that is finished, be sure to save
at the transporter. If you check to the right side of the building you can find
two chests. One chest contains YAGO MILK x3, and the other chest requires the
Star Key. Once you are ready enter the building.

|   Zerard, The Starship Factory   |

o---------------------------------o Head down the steps for a scene and you
|    Treasure Chests Found (22)   | will face off against a group of 8 Max
o---------------------------------o robots. Use Desert Wind Lv.2 to make short
|Yago Milk x3                     | work of these guys. Once you have beaten
|Captain's Sock (Star Key)(7)     | these robots, take the escalator up and
|Lapis Lazuli                     | enter the next area. The next area consists
|Dreamflower Ash x3               | of a series of looping hallways. From the
|Energy Charger x2                | entrance immediately head to the west.
|Factory Key                      | Once you reach the intersection, turn to
|Ancient Scroll I                 | left and simply follow the hallway down
|Electric Eel (Earth Key)(8)      | until you reach a transporter. Save, and
|Revolva Alloy                    | enter the door beside it. The other paths
|Super CPU                        | just loop around to the other side anyway.
|Lab Coat (Sun Key)(2)            | 
|Mimic                            | You will be inside of a large cargo type
|Mirror Unit x2                   | area. To the left of entering you will
|Tri-Elixir                       | find a chest containing a LUPIS LAZULI.
|Dragon God Skull                 | Now head south on your map through any
|Factory Key                      | one of the three doors and make your way
|Tachyon Motor                    | to the other side of this cargo area.
|Mimic                            | At the end you will find a steel-caged
|Lubricant x2                     | lift. Take it to the top and you will see
|Zenon D *                        | a long linear catwalk in front of you. Be
|Brave Sprit *                    | sure to check to the side just ahead for 
|Zaranium Armor *                 | a chest containing the FACTORY KEY. Once
|                                 | you have that, make your way across the
|* - Must be at least Chapter Six | long catwalk until you reach another wider
o---------------------------------o platform. If you look to the right you can
|   Enemies found in area (10)    | see a small gap in the fencing. You will
o---------------------------------o need to jump from this spot onto a moving
|Tarantula (30)                   | platform. You may have to wait for the
|Petite Dog (30)                  | platform to get to you. Be careful when
|Cleaner Bob (30)                 | jumping on to it, otherwise you will have
|Type-J (25)                      | make your way back up the lift again. When
|Type-K (25)                      | you board quickly move to the other side
|Max (30)                         | and jump through the gap in the fence on
|Yellow Bolt (30)                 | the other side. Pick up the two chests
|Green Bolt (30)                  | containing ENERGY CHARGER x2, and some
|Oilder (30)                      | DREAMFLOWER ASH x3. Now jump back on the
|Shock Gem (30)                   | moving platform again and ride it down to
o---------------------------------o the other side. Jump off on the bottom
right corner of your map through the small gap. Use the newly acquired Factory
Key at the "Thinking Circle" and then make your way through the door.

You will now be in another set of looping hallways. Follow the hall to the
right and ignore the halls leading off to the left, and then the right. You
will soon come across another doorway. Inside the next room is another large
cargo area and a short scene will follow. Afterwards you will have to re-enter
the room. To the right of entering is a chest which contains an ANCIENT
SCROLL I. Now save at the teleporter and cash in any hunter points you have at
this point. Head over to the edge and fall off. Head over to the elevator
straight across from where you landed and make your up. Just ahead if you check
to the side of the crates you can find a chest containing and ELECTRIC EEL
which you'll need to use that Earth Key of yours. Now follow the catwalk in
front you down to the other side and jump off. In the upper left corner of the
map are two chests containing some REVOLVA ALLOY, and a SUPER CPU. Now make
your way through the door on the upper right side of the room.

You will be in another set of looping hallways. Take the path to your right,
ignoring the path leading off to the left and turn the corner. At the next
intersection head right and follow the path until you reach another teleporter.
make sure you save because there is a mini boss battle coming up. In the next
area is another large cargo area where you encounter a small scene and group
of bosses.

BOSS BATTLE; Attack Walker x3 (Recommended Level 26)
HP; 7,300 (each)
Elemetal Weakness; Electric
Difficulty; Medium
Drops; 210 Zehn
Experience; Depends solely on your level, reserve characters earn 2/3 of the
            active party experience

Your first priority when dealing with these guys are to use charge attacks to
get rid of their shield. Once their shields are down have Jaster use his Flash
Blade skill since these guys are weak to lightning, and have Lilika use Warrior
God's Cry. Have Steve use Electro Punch as well if you learned it yet. Try
concentrating on one at at time. Be sure to heal frequently because they can
hit rather hard and juggle you around a bit. When your skills runs out make to
to use them again. It shouldn't take take too long before these guys fall and
you emerge victorious.

After the battle a couple of scenes will play out and you will now be in Dr.
Pocacchio's Lab. Inside his lab there is a chest which requires the Sun Key.
Before continuing on there are some chests we have to back and collect. Save
at the teleporter and head west until you reach small branch in the hall. Head
west ignoring the path leading to the right and continue down and enter the
door to your right. Just inside the large room there is a shopkeeper, so
purchase any items you may want and then jump off the ledge. In the upper left
corner of the room there is a chest containing a Mimic. Damn these guys are
getting strong! Now head to the southeast and open the chest beside the
elevator for a MIRROR UNIT x2. Ride the elevator up and grab the chest at the
end of the platform containing TRI-ELIXIR (cursed trap), now carefully time
you jump and get on the moving platform, just ride it to the upper right and
jump to the right again to re-enter the hallway you came in from. This time
head straight east down the path ignoring the path leading off to the left
and then ahead to the right and keep going until you find another teleporter.
Save, and enter the next large area for a small scene and another battle
against some more Max robots. Dispatch these guys like you did the last ones
you faced to make things easier on yourself.

Once the battle is over, grab the chest in the upper left corner of the map
for a DRAGON GOD SKULL. Now make your way down to the bottom area of the room
and search there for a chest containing a FACTORY KEY. Now make your way to
the upper left area of this room and take the steel-caged lift to the top.
Make your way over the the upper right corner using the moving platforms again
to grab a chest containing TACHYON MOTOR x3, Now make your way across the
moving platforms and search the bottom left corner for two more chests which
contain LUBRICANT x2, and a Mimic. You next destination is the bottom right
corner across the moving platforms. Now use your newly acquired Factory
Key at the "Thinking Circle" and enter the final set of looping hallways.

All you need to do now is follow the hallway to the right and follow it
straight down until you reach another teleporter. Now befreo entering the next
and final room, make sure you update your Revelation Charts. It would also be
a good idea and try and synthesize some better weapons. Around 130 attack is
more than sufficient. Once you are ready enter through the door to the right
for a scene and a boss.

BOSS BATTLE; Jupis Robot/Jupis Robot DX (Recommended Level 28)
HP; 16,450 (combined)
Elemental Weakness; Electric
Difficulty; Hard
Drops; Space Compressor, Moebius Battery, 1330 Zehn
Experience; 1,236 for active member and 2/3 of that for reserve characters

At the start of this battle you will quickly notice that no matter what attack
you use, it will have absolutely no effect. For now the best thing to do is
just hold R1 for a bit. Make sure you heal if needed. After about 35-40 seconds
a small scene will play out and you will receive the Barrier Break Shot for
Jaster. Equip that blaster and fire one shot at it to remove its barrier for
good. Since this boss is extremely weak to electrical attacks, have Jaster use
his Flash Blade, and Steve use his Electro Punch ability. Coupled with a
Warrior God's Cry from Lilika, you can cause you to do great damage to this
guy. However, he does move around quite a bit so you will have to chase him
down. Make sure to block if he shoots his rockets at you and make sure to keep
your HP up. Once you take his HP down to around the half-way point a small
scene will occur and the robot will transform into the Jupis Robot DX.

Now he will hit a little harder and moves around quite a bit. Your best option
for this part of the battle is to have Jaster using Illusion Sword attacks,
while Steve continues using his Electro Punch and Lilika uses her Warrior God's
Cry. If your abilities run out, use them again. Make sure you keep an eye on
your HP and you will eventually emerge victious.

After the hard battle and a couple of scenes, you will now be inside of
Pocacchio's Lab. You will acquire the Factory:) As you collect various
blueprints from around the galaxy, you can make new items that can only be
obtained through this method. You can talk to the shopkeeper Joshua to purchase
a buch of very useful materials if you want. The Factory will now be available
in your main menu, so you won't have to come back here if you want to make an

Now that that is finished, you can use the teleporter outside the lab, and
teleporter directly to the entrance of the Galaxy Corporation. Talk to MIO at
the counter to finally obtain the Galactic Travel Visa. You will also acquire
a MIO Fan Club Card #0078500. The shop at the back counter is finally open for
business. Instead of buying items here, you can purchase monster quarries. For
now there are only two available.

Buy the following quarries;
"The Tomb Guardian" 800 Zehn
"The Cave Bandit" 800 Zehn

Both of these quarry hunts are on the next planet you will be visiting shortly.

Now is the time to start collecting some factory blueprints. NPCs that carry
them can be indicated by a yellow orb over their head.

Here's a list a currently available blueprints;

*Names in the brackets is the name of the blueprint*

Elbim on the West Side inside the item shop;
 - Freeze Guard (Freeze defense)
 - Mind Guard (Confuse defense)
 - Daze Guard (Daze defense)
 - Shock Guard (Shock defense)
 - Poison Guard (Poison defense)
 - Paralyze Guard (Paralyze defense)
 - Flame Guard (Flame defense)

Maddox outside of the item shop on the West Side;
 - Perfect Reviver (Miraculous Flames)

Museen inside the East Side item ship;
 - Tri-Elixir (Recovery vial)

Sando on the East Side near the weapon shop;
 - Alexander (Sword of holy lightning)

Kabter inside the back area of the Insectron Stadium;
 - Rearing Cage III (Elusive bug cage)

Osmond inside the back area of the Insectron Stadium;
 - Insector Trap III (Elusive bug cage)

Kobbit on the outside of the Starship Factory;
 - Twin Tornado (High-tech tornado gun)

Eman in the first room of the Starship Factory;
 - Divine Blessing (Healing vial)

Korbi inside the first large cargo area;
 - Trap Canceller (Treasure hunter's ally)

Other blueprints available;
 - Assembler III (Ultra-useful assembler) - Create the Athanor first
 - Unconscious Guard (Unconscious defense) - Create the Athanor first
 - Athanor (Magical smelter) - Comes with the factory

That's a total of 18 blueprints available already. You're already half way to
getting them all:)

Purchase all the items from shops you want and head back for the Dorgenark
and your next destination. As you arrive in the control room near the helm
Jupis will now join your party. Head outside onto the deck, walk out a bit and
try to re-enter. You will encounter a few small scenes, afterwards head up to
the control room for a couple of scenes and now you're ready for the next
destination. Before doing that head to Juraika and then head back to the area
that you fought the Individer and collect two chests containing MAGIC LIPSTICK
and ANTIDOTE x2. Once you are finished, choose Vedan at the helm as your

Your party will now consist of Jaster, Kisala, and soon to be your eighth and
final character for next chapter.

End of Chapter Five, The Master Hacker.. 

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