
Rogue Galaxy: Chapter 4

2:24 AM | ,

/    Chapter Four, The Great Escape    \

|   Zerard, The Great City of Zerard   |

For the entire chapter, you will only be able to use Jaster, Simon, and Lilika

o---------------------------------o Now that you have left Juraika, there will
|    Treasure Chests Found (21)   | be a few scenes to follow. Once they are
o---------------------------------o finished, you will now be on the main
|Absolute Zero Stone x2           | street in the city of Zerard. While it
|Spirit Bell                      | ultmately is your objective to renew your
|Dreamflower Ash                  | travel visa at the Galaxy Corperation,
|Silver Bangle                    | there are a few things you should do first.
|Max Heal x2                      | If you turn around and head down on your
|Firestone x3 (Star Key)(5)       | map, you can enter the Space Port. Inside
|Divine Healing                   | this room, there are two chests. One of
|Ruby x3                          | them requires the Star Key, and the other
|Lapis Lazuli                     | chest contains a DIVINE HEALING. Now head
|Ranger Pod I                     | through the door to the south. There are a
|Tri-Heal                         | total of five chests in this area. To the
|Geo Hands                        | right of entering open the two chests for
|Retro Boombox x3                 | a SILVER BANGLE, and MAX HEAL x2. Head down
|Ancient Scroll (Earth Key)(7)    | the stairs and search to your left for
|Hard Candy x2                    | three more chests containing DREAMFLOWER
|Ancient Scroll I (thief's trap)  | ASH, a SPIRIT BELL, and ABSOLUTE ZERO STONE
|Energy Charger                   | x2. Once you have collected all the chests
|Flame God's Stone x2             | possible return to the main street.
|Thunder Stone x2                 |
|Hoho Bird Feather (Star Key)(6)  | Make your way up the road and you will
|Dreamflower Ash                  | reach a shopkeeper and an intersection.
o---------------------------------o Purchase a few healing items, but don't
spend too much just yet. You may notice that there is a card icon beside the
Strength Star. In order to purchase those items, you will be required to obtain
a specific License. Unfortunately it won't be available for some time. The two
paths leading to your right and left are dead-ends, only the path to your left
has anything. Open the chest down the short road to the west for RUBY x3. Now
head back and take the road leading to the north on your map. You will come
across a large fountain and another 4-way intersection. The road to the north
leads to the Galaxy Corperation, while the roads to the east lead to the East
and West Side, respectively. For now take the road leading west.

Make you way down the long road and through the tunnel and you will be in the
West Side area of the city. Upon leaving the tunnel there is a shop up ahead.
There are also two chests beside it containing a LAPIS LAZULI, and a TRI-HEAL.
Head inside the shop and check out the merchandise. You can buy some different
materials here, but be careful how much you spend. You can always come back at
a later time and get these, plus there are still more shops to go to. Head back
outside and continue following the road to reach another shop on the left side
of the road. This shopkeeper specializes in weapons. I strongly suggest that
you only invest in equipment for your active party at the moment. Head back
outside and continue down the road. You will soon reach an area that is blocked
off for the moment. If you rotate the camera you will spot a chest which
contains a RANGER POD I. Once you have everything, head back to the fountain
and take the road to the east.

Follow the long road again and head through the long tunnel to reach the East
Side area of the city. Upon entering the East Side you will soon spot a chest
containing GEO HANDS. Up ahead is another chest containing RETRO BOOMBOX, and
a shop to the right. This is another item shop, so try not to spend too much
money here if you can avoid it. There is also a chest if you climb the ladder
which you can open with the Earth Key for an ANCIENT SCROLL I. Head back
outside and continue down the road until you reach another intersection. If you
take the road to the east you will reach another transporter, and the entrance
to the Insectron Stadium.

Inside there are two shops. The shopkeeper in the front counter will sell you
an Insectron License for 3,000 Zehn. If you can spare the extra cash then get
it, otherwise you can always get it later. The person at the back counter will
sell numerous different materials which can be used for either Revelations of
for for raising any Insectors. I would advise just leaving those items in here
alone for the time being unless you have a good amount of Zehn. In the back
there are a few of the Insector players you can talk to, and a person standing
in the middle. Here you can register for an Insectron tourmament if you have
collected five Insectors. Chances are you won't have collected much and right
now you would stand no chance even if you did. This quest is better left alone
for a while until you have more money, and you can get more materials. Trust me
you'll be burning through these items like crazy when building a team. For now
head back outside.

Head back to the intersection and take the other road this time. You'll soon
come across another shop that also specializes in weapons. Like before with
the other weapon shop, only get equipment for your active party. You won't be
able to go any further down the road for now, but there is a chest outside of
the shop which contains HARD CANDY x2. Now make your way back to the 4-way
intersection at the fountain. Now make your way north and you will see another
transporter. Use it if you want, and make your way up a little further to reach
another shop. If you have what you want from the other shops and have any
extra cash, them by all means top up your items. Up the path there is another
4-way intersection. For now take the road to the right and you will reach two
chests containing STICKY GUM x5, and a TRI-CHARGE. Now head back and take the
road north and enter the Galaxy Corperation.

Once inside, there are a few chests you can get before you go and try to renew
your visa. Save at the transporter, and then search around the outer ring of
the room for chests containing an ANCIENT SCROLL I (thief's trap), an ENERGY
CHARGER,, FLAME GOD'S STONE, and THUNDER STONE x2. Now enter the upper foyer
from the back side of the room, and you will spot two chests. One requires the
Star Key, and the other contains a DREAMFLOWER ASH. For future reference there
will be a shop at the back counter that specializes in monster quarries, this
will become available once the story progresses some more. Once you are ready,
head towards the front counter for a few scenes. Now you will have to prepare
yourself for quite a long and hard dungeon.

|   Zerard, Rosencaster Prison   |

o---------------------------------o After a few scenes you will now be inside
|    Treasure Chests Found (49)   | Hell (or what will seem like it). Walk up
o---------------------------------o to the man in the corner of the cell to
|Heal Potion x3                   | start a scene. Afterwards you will be
|Tri-Heal x4                      | released from the cell. Upon exiting the
|Recharge Drink x3                | cell, there is a shopkeeper that has a few
|Heal Potion x4                   | items for sale. If you need anything later
|Max Heal x2                      | in the dungeon, you can come back here to
|Metal Breaker                    | purchase more items. To the left and ahead
|Tri-Resurrection x3(thief's trap)| are two prison cells which can be entered.
|Paralysis Cure x5                | The cell to your left contains HEAL POTION
|Resurrection x2                  | x4, MAX HEAL x2, METAL BREAKER, and
|Heal Potion x4                   | TRI-RESURRECTION x3 (thief's trap). Now
|Dragon God Skull                 | search the wother cell for chests which
|Tri-Heal                         | contain HEAL POTION x3, TRI-HEAL x4, and
|Recharge Drink x4                | RECHARGE DRINK x3. Equip Jaster with the
|Prison Barrier Card              | Metal Breaker you just picked up and save
|Binding Frost                    | at the transporter. Take the elevator to
|Silver Bangle                    | the right and ride it up to Prison Level 3.
|Magic Lipstick                   |
|Dreamflower Ash                  | Make your way through a door and you will
|Cursed Mask                      | be inside a large chamber. Beware of the
|Flame God's Stone x2             | enemies that are in the prison, since they
|Dragon God Skull                 | are rather powerful at the moment. From
|Electro Nozzle                   | the entrance here, take the path leading
|Dream Mushroom                   | down. Down a bit you will reach a chest
|Heal Potion x3                   | containing PARALYSIS CURE x5. Now jump off
|Medusa's Locks                   | the edge and you will land at the bottom.
|Max Heal x2                      | To the left of the staircase there are two
|Antidote x2                      | chests containing RESURRECTION x2, and
|Resurrection x3                  | HEAL POTION x4. Now make yor way back up
|Heal Potion x2                   | to the entrance door and follow the path
|Mimic                            | straight across this time. Once you reach
|Absolute Zero Stone              | the other door you will find two chests
|Max Heal x3                      | containing a DRAGON GOD SKULL, and
|Ancient Scroll I                 | a TRI-HEAL. You can now learn Jaster's
|Mimic                            | Desert Wind Lv.2 provided you learned
|Tri-Resurrection x2              | Desert Wind Lv.1, and have the materials;
|Tri-Heal x4                      | Dreamflower Ash, Sanchez Fruit x2, Hot
|Killer Grenades                  | Breath and the Dragon God Skull you just
|Silver Bangle x2                 | picked up. This will really ease your way
|Prison EV Startup Chip           | through this dungeon.
|Cursed Mask                      |
|Ruby                             | Now head through the door in front of you,
|Sea Gazer Bow                    | and then proceed through one more door.
|Mimic                            | Down the hall there will be another shop.
|Lubricant                        | This shop carries some good weapons, but
|Divine Blessing x2               | they are rather expensive. Be sure to stock
|Pirate's Grog                    | up on supplies, and battle some more
|Dreamflower Ash x2               | enemies if you require extra cash. The
|Mirror Unit                      | Binding Frost and Triton's Hatchet you can
|Ultraspicy Pepper *              | find in chests further ahead, so it's your
|                                 | call. Once you're ready head though the
|* - Available during Chapter 5   | next door and save at the transporter.
o---------------------------------o Through the next door you will be inside
|   Enemies found in area (11)    | another large chamber. You will witness a
o---------------------------------o short scene and a battle. Just a standard
|Roller (20)                      | battle. Dispatch them with Desert Wind Lv.2
|Slime (30)                       | or with Illusion sword buffing. Now head
|Tarantula (30)                   | down a bit and grab the chest containing
|Petit Pooch (30)                 | RECHARGE DRINK x4, and then head down to
|Livid Ape (30)                   | your right. Around 3/4 of the way down you
|Shadowman (30)                   | you will find a chest to the left of the
|Savage Dog (30)                  | "Thinking Circle" containing the PRISON
|Crow (30)                        | BARRIER CARD. Before heading to the right
|Proto Beast (30)                 | there are two chests at the bottom which
|Nelvoron (25)                    | contain a BINDING FROST, and a SILVER
|Phantom Tail (30)                | BANGLE. Now make your way to the "Thinking
o---------------------------------o Circle" and use the newly acquire Prison
Barrier Key and proceed through the next foor doors, to reach another large

Take the path leading up and be sure to check beside a cage for a chest
containing a MAGIC LIPSTICK. Further ahead you will find two more chests
containing a CURSED MASK, and DREAMFLOWER ASH x2. Make your way to the top and
enter the door. Make your way down the hall and then follow the path leading to
the right. Open the chest at the end of the hall for a TRITON'S HATCHET, and
then take the elevator up to Prison Level 2.

Once you reach the top, make sure to save at the transporter and then head
through the door. Search to the right for a chest containing FLAME GOD'S STONE
x2. Down the hall you will find another shopkeeper. Be sure to restock your
supplies if needed. At the end of the hall there is a chest containing SMOKED
RAINBOW NEWT x2. Head through the door on your left side, and into another
large chamber. Take the path leading up and you will find chests containing
DRAGON GOD SKULL, and ELECTRO NOZZLE on your way to the top. In the next room
there are two chests which contain a DREAM MUSHROOM, and HEAL POTION x3. Now
head through the next door and you will be in another large chamber. Head down
to the bottom and search for three chests containing a MEDUSA'S LOCKS, an
ANCIENT SCROLL I, and ABSOLUTE ZERO STONE x2. Now make your way up. Grab the
chests on the way to the top for MAX HEAL, and ANTIDOTE x2, and enter the door
at the top. You will now be in a smaller chamber. Make your way to the top and
through the door, to reach Prison Level 1. You just over half way done now.

Take the path leading up for now to find four chests containing RESURRECTION
x3, HEAL POTION x2, a Mimic, and finally an ABSOLUTE ZERO STONE. Once you have
picked up all those chests make your way back down and take the other door.
There are two chests in the next room which contain MAX HEAL x3, and an ANCIENT
SCROLL I. Now proceed through two more doors. In this room there are three
chests containing a Mimic, TRI-RESURRECTION x2, and TRI-HEAL x4. Now head
through the door to your left and you will be in another large chamber. At the
bottom you can search for a chest containing some KILLER GRENADES. Now make
your way up. Make sure to grab the chests along the way for SILVER BANGLE x2,
a PRISON EV STARTUP CHIP, and a RUBY. Head through the door at the top, and you
will be in a room with a teleporter and another shopkeeper. Save, and purchase
any items you need. You can purchase some Omega Stars or Hyper Crystals if you
want, but don't waste them on a weapon you plan to combine right away. Once you
are ready, use the Prison EV Startup Chip at the "Thinking Circle" and then
make your way up to Interior Pathway A3. There are some new enemies that you
can fight from now, until the conclusion of this dungeon.

Head through the doorway and enter the room to the left. Inside you will find a
chest containing a SEA GAZER BOW. Now head back out, and make your way down the
zig-zagging path until you reach another transporter. Make sure to save, and
then enter through the door. Inside the next room you will see the remains of
what appears to be the Mark VIII Salamander tha you defeated on Rosa. Move
forward a bit to encounter a small scene. Afterwards, grab the chest by the
remains for a CURSED MASK. Now make your way up either set of stairs and enter
the door at the top. Follow the zig-zagging path and you will come across two
chests containing a Mimic, and some LUBRICANT. Follow the path a little more
and another small scene will occur. Once that is finished, follow the hallway
down a little further until it branches. Take the hall to your right and
proceed until you can enter a small room on the right. Search inside for a
chest containing DIVINE BLESSING x2. Now head back out and back to the branch.
Follow the hall down a bit to spot a chest containing some PIRATE'S GROG. Now
turn right and follow the hallway until you reach an intersection. Ignore the
path to your right, since it will just loop around and head to your left. Down
the hall you will find a transporter, and a elevator leading to the next
floor. Save, and take the elevator up to Interior Pathway A2. You're almost
finished this dungeon.

Follow the path down, ignoring the first hallway to the right and turn right
down the second hallway to the right. At the bottom, ignore the hall leading
to the right, since it just loops around. A little further down you will reach
another transporter
. You should probably try and build some skills in your
Revelation chart if possible. You can also synthesize new weapons if you want,
but it shouldn't be too much of a concern right now. Now head through the next
door for a scene and be prepared to face a boss.

BOSS BATTLE; Rosencaster (Recommended Level 25)
HP; 7,500
Elemental Weakness; None
Difficulty; Slightly Hard
Drops; Max Heal, 840 Zehn
Experience; Depends solely on your current level, reserve characters earn 2/3
            of the active party experience

This is a harder battle than the ones you have faced so far. You do not want to
get too close to this guy, since he inflict absurd amounts of damage in quick
succession. There are a couple of differt ways to deal with him. The first way
is by spamming multiple Desert Wind Lv.2 at him, and the second way is too
stand back an use Illusion Sword sword enhanced attacks. Just remember that if
you go with the Desert Wind spamming, if you don't block right after it, you
will lead yourself wide open to his attacks while your action gauge is
replenishing. If you decide to go the Illusion Sword way, it would be a good
idea to have Lilika use Warrior God's Cry, assuming you have it, to further
enhance your attack power. You will be healing more often, but you will also
be racking up the damage a lot faster. Either way just keep up the damage and
healing and he will go down and you will come out the victorious.

After a few small scenes you will finally be out of this prison and get to see
the light of day again, but before heading back to the Galaxy Corperation head
back into the prison from the exit you came out of and just down the hall there
will be a transporter. Save, and continue down and you will find two chests
containing DREAMFLOWER ASH x2, and MIRROR UNIT. After that you will have to
take the long way back to the Galaxy Corperation. You can also check some of
the shops for some newer stock as well, since you should have a good haul from
the prison. Upon exiting the long tunnel there will be a couple of short scenes
and a little further down there you will witness your first of many scenes with
Miyoko and Chie. Simon will now leave you party for now and Steve will join up.
Once you are ready head back to the Galaxy Corperation and up towards MIO.
End of Chapter Four, The Great Escape.. 

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