
Rogue Galaxy: Chapter 6

2:27 AM | ,

/   Chapter Six, The Guide    \

|   Vedan, Myna Station, Mining Town of Myna   |

o---------------------------------o Technically you could grab the Earth Key
|    Treasure Chests Found (43)   | chests on Rosa at any time after gaining
o---------------------------------o access to the helm onboard the Dorgenark.
|Lubricant x3                     | However since you will be grabbing the Star
|Ruby                             | Key soon enough, there's no need to make
|Mirror Unit x2                   | two trips. From the deck ride the lift down
|Super CPU                        | to the platform. Then head up again and use
|Lapis Lazuli x2                  | the other lift. The next area has a shop
|Combat Master                    | so be sure to stock up on supplies. There
|Dustbox                          | are also three chests in this are which
|Myriad Branch                    | contain LUBRICANT x3, a RUBY, and some
|Ancient Scroll II (Star Key)(8)  | MIRROR UNIT x2. Save at the teleport and
|Mellow Banana                    | make your way through the door. South
|Guardian 44 (Star Key) (9)       | through the next door is the train boarding
|Perfect Heal x2                  | terminal. To the left is a chest containing
|Stella Crystal                   | a SUPER CPU. Down the stairs to the right
|Star Key (Earth Key)(8)          | is a chest containing LAPIS LAZULI x2. Now
|Smoked Rainbow Newt              | take the central path and board the train.
|Snow Crest x2                    | Once you reach the other side, there is a
|Flame God's Stone x2             | chest near the front and to side if the
|Dustbox                          | train which you require the Star Key. Head
|Carbon Alloy                     | up the escalator and through the door to
|Stealth Pills                    | your right. Make your way through the next
|Yago Milk                        | two doors and you will reach the mining
|Snow Crest                       | town of Myna.
|Electric Eel                     |
|Dark Onyx (Sun Key)(3)           | As you try and approach the teleporter you
|Cursed Mask                      | will encounter a small scene and will face
|Primeval Beef (bomb trap)        | off against some of Mararty's Henchman.
|Stella Crystal                   | All you really need to do with these guys
|Hard Candy x2                    | is spam Desert Wind or any other multiple
|Mercy Sprites                    | hitting ability. Once the battle is over,
|Fire Shield                      | make sure to grab the chest at the top of
|Max Heal x2                      | the stairs for a COMBAT HAMMER (thief's
|Tri-Heal x4                      | trap), and then save at the teleporter.
|Walkie-Talkie (thief's trap)     | Head down the stairs and make your way due
|Energy Charger                   | south across the plaza, where you will find
|Diamond                          | a chest with a Dustbox inside. These guys
|Dustbox                          | are quite tough, so be careful. Now head to
|Magic Lipstick (Star Key)(10)    | to your right and search the other side of
|Flame God's Stone x3             | tracks for a chest containing a MYRIAD
|Lapis Lazuli                     | BRANCH. If you encounter the blue slime
|Ruby                             | type enemies called Jellyman, you will have
|Ultraviolet Sabre                | to break through their shield by blasting
|Silver Axe                       | each one with a shot from the Barrier
|Phantom Robe                     | Break Shot. Keep that in mind since there
o---------------------------------o are a few enemies in the game where you
|    Enemies found in area (8)    | will need that blaster.
|Zombie (30)                      | Head south for a short distance and will
|Stray Dog (30)                   | will find two chests to your left. One
|Frogman (30)                     | chest contains a MELLOW BANANA, and the
|Jellyman (30)                    | other chest requires the Star Key. Follow
|Junk Phantom (28) *              | the path down a bit, and you will encounter
|Gigabird (20) *                  | another small scene with Miyoko and Chie.
|Death Crow (30)                  | Ignore the passage leading east and west at
|Steel Child (25)                 | the intersection for now and continue
|                                 | heading south. Down the road a bit, search
|* - Only appears in the far      | to the right for two chests containing
|Eastern and Western tips of Myna | a STELLA CYYSTAL, and PERFECT HEAL x2.
o---------------------------------o There is also a teleporter in front of
Angela's Bar if you want to save. Once you're ready enter the bar, and a scene
will play out. Now once that is finished, turn around and enter the bar again.
To your left side upon entering is a chest which contains the STAR KEY. You
will need to use the Earth Key to get it. You are also joined by your final
party member, Deego.

*Please note that if you do not grab the Star Key at the this brief gap in the
storyline, you will have to wait until chapter eight for another chance to
acquire it.*


Now that you have finally acquire the Star Key, it's time to grab some chests,
as well as completing a few other events.

First, make your way to Rosa to grab three locked chests. The chest near the
beginning of Salgin at the dead-end contains an ALLOY HAMMER. Use the Star Key
for this chest. Enter the building down from the T-junction and open the chest
in there for a MEDUSA'S LOCKS. Use the Earth Key for that chest. Now make your
way to the landing pad area at the Spaceport and open the chest there for
MYRIAD BRANCH x2. Use the Earth Key for that chest.

Now head for Juraika to grab two locked chests. Head to Filio's hut and climb
the ladder to grab the chest containing a MILITARY-GRADE BATTERY. Use the Star
Key for this chest. Climb the ladder in Sherio's hut and grab the chest there
for a WANDERER'S COAT. Use the Star Key for this chest.

Now make your way to Zerard for three more locked chests. To the right side of
the Starship Factory is a chest containing a CAPTAIN'S SOCK. Use the Star Key
for this chest. Inside the first room of the spaceport, grab the chest for
FIRESTONE x3. Use the Star Key for this chest. Now head to the Galaxy
Corperation and open the chest here for a HOHO BIRD FEATHER. Use the Star Key
for this chest

Now that you're back in the Galaxy Corperation, talk to MIO if you have any
Hunter Coins. You will need a total of 120 Coins in total to obtain the Silver
License, The Gold License, and the Platinum License. You must get them in that
order, which means you can't just skip the Silver and Gold to go straight for
the Platinum License. Bummer huh? You can also check out your completion rank.
There are a total of eight categories. (See section MIO's Rewards for more
information). If you complete any of these to 100%, you will be rewarded for
it. Hopefully you at least have enough coins for he Silver License and have a
good count towards the Gold License.

There is one more place to go to. Make your way to the first large cargo room
in the Starship Factory. Ride the steel-caged lift up to the top and then make
your way to the top right platform. The door there will now be open. Make your
way and turn right at the intersection. Continue following the hall, ignoring
the hall to the left and you will eventually reach the first of three battles
against Assault Walkers. Your first order of business is to blast each one with
a shot from your Barrier Break shot. With the barriers out of the way, just
spam multiple hitting moves like Desert Wind Lv.2, or any other effective move.
Keep an eye on your HP since these guys can hit quite hard. They will fall
eventually. Continue down the hall until you reach a T-junction and your second
battle with two Assault Walker. Use the same strategy as before and take them
out. Now follow the path leading north and you will reach the final battle
against two more Assault Walkers. After you defeat them, continue down the hall
for a bit and search to the left for three chests containing ZENOM D, BRAVE
SPIRIT, and the ZERANIUM ARMOR. You won't be able to equip the weapons until
those characters levels are in their mid 30s. *Note; that you MUST defeat all
three Assault Walker battles or the chests will not appear* Once you are
finished make your way back to Vedan.


You can now open the two chests you cam across ealier. The first chest is in
the North Myna Station, which contains an ANCIENT SCROLL II. Use the Star Key.
The second is near the 4-way intersection before reaching Angela's Bar. Open
that chest for a GUARDIAN 44. Use the Star Key for this chest as well. From,
the intersection take the road to the west for now. Continue down the winding
road and you will end up at the west Observation Deck. To left of entering this
area is a chest containing SNOW CREST x2. There is also a teleporter, so make
sure to save. Now purchase any items you need from the shopkeeper. In this area
you can battle two different enemies that will not show up anywhere else other
than the two Observation Decks. Once you have everything here, make your way
back to the 4-way intersection. Now head east this time, and make your way into
another plaza type area. Search the eastern wall in the area for a chest which
contains FLAME GOD'S STONE x2. Head south and you will be back in front of
Angela's Bar. Save at the teleporter and head east.

After a short distance check to the right for a chest which contains another
Dustbox. Continue down the road, and through the tunnel-like passage. You will
now reach a T-junction. There are three chests in this area. Two of them are
easy enough to spot, and they contain some CARBON ALLOY, and YAGO MILK. The
chest containing STEALTH PILLS requires you to jump up onto a small ledge in
the middle of this junction. Press the R3 button to go to a first person view
if you can't find it. Now take the road leading north. Once you reach another
T-junction, head west. Down the road a bit there are three chests. One requires
the Sun Key, the other two contain a SNOW CREST, and an ELECTRIC EEL. To the
north there is a passage leading off to the west, which you can't enter at this
time. Be sure and talk to Drapp to receive the blueprint; Crystal of power
Now make your way north until you reach another T-junction. From here head east
Down the road there is a chest to the right which contains a CURSED MASK. Now
make your way down the road until see a building on your map that you can
enter. Inside there is a shopkeeper who specializes in weapons. Purchase what
you need here. There are two chests in here as well that contains a PRIMEVAL
BEEF (bomb trap), and a DIAMOND. Talk to Trimble in the shop to acquire another
blueprint: Seals away power.

Now head outside and save at the teleporter. Make your way past the next
intersection and grab the chest for a STELLA CRYSTAL. Once you reach the next
intersection, head north from there, and make your way down the long winding
road. You will now be in the east Observation Deck. Upon reaching this area
search to your left for a chest containing HARD CANDY x2. Save at the
teleporter and head to your right. On the far eastern tip is another chest
which contains MERCY SPRITES. If you would like you can make your way to the
end of the long platform and use a Mirror unit the the "Thinking Circle" here
to battle the quarry hunt; "The Tomb Guardian", otherwise you can skip this
part, its up to you. You will get to keep the Mirror Unit that you use here.

OPTIONAL BOSS BATTLE; Flabbergazer (Recommended Level 32+)
HP; 15,000
Elemental Weakness; Electric
Difficulty; Medium
Drops: Guardian 44
Experience; Depends solely on your current level, reserve characters earn 2/3
            of the active party experience
Hunter Point Value; 8,500 Hunter Points

You will have a hard time defeating this boss if your levels are under 30.
Since this boss is weak against electric-based attacks, you should have Jaster
using his Flash Blade skill (the higher level the better). Have Kisala use her
Dagger Slash, and Deego use any attack buffing skills if you have learned any
for him yet. You will need to jump and attack his head, just in the same way
you took out. With the Flash Blade in effect you have a small chance of causing
him to elctricute. This works much like the poison status, and will last for a
few seconds. Make sure to constantly heal, because you will be up close and
personal for this battle. Use your Flash Blade if it runs out and continue
pummeling this beast until you eventually emerge victorious. You can cash in
for 8,500 Hunter Points at any teleporter.

Now that you have everything in this area, it's time to make your way back to
the intersection. Continue south from there to find three chests close to each
other containing FIRE SHIELD, MAX HEAL x2, and TRI-HEAL x4. Continue down under
bridge and talk to Shukoka for the blueprint; Hide from beasts
Ahead of you is a teleporter and a shop. Save, and head inside the shop. Here,
you'll be able to purchase an infinite supply of Tri-Heals, so make sure to
stock on those. Make sure you keep at least 1,500 Zehn so you can purchase
the Mine ID Card. Talk to Minth for another blueprint; Seals away defense
There is also two cheset in here which contain a WALKIE-TALKIE (thief's trap),
and an ENERGY CHARGER. Now head outside for a scene and you will encounter
another small battle against Morarty's Henchman. Dispose of them with a Desert
Wind Lv.2. Once that is done, make your way back to Angela's Bar for a scene.

Now head east again from the bar and ignore the road leading north this time.
Head through the tunnel-shaped passage. Up ahead inside you will find a chest
which contains another Dustbox. Once it has been defeated, continue through the
tunnel until you reach the other side. Jump up to your right and climb the
stairs. Save at the teleporter.

There are three other chests through Myna for now that you can collect. Each
one of the requires that you jump from the top of the train that travels
throughout the town. The first chest is at the end of the tunnel to the east
of Angela's Bar, at the end of the tunnel. Press the R3 to spot it up on some
metal grating. The train will travel through this area but you will have to be
patient. Jump up and open the chest for a SILVER AXE. The second chest is to
the east of the item shop and slightly north of the overpass. Press the R3
button and search above to see on the metal grating. Again you will have to
wait for the train to come nearby. Jump up there when you can to reach a chest
containing ULTRAVIOLET SABRE. The last of the three is located to the north
of the weapon shop. It's located where the road turns south.It's on your left
hand side if your travelling from the weapon shop. Use your R3 button again if
you are having problems locating it. This chest contains the PHANTOM ROBE.

Once you picked all those up, make you way back to the southeast section and
enter through the door beside the teleporter. Proceed through the next two
doors and you will be in the South Myna train terminal. Near the top of the
escalator is a chest which contains a MAGIC LIPSTICK. Use the Star Key for this
chest. Now board the train and head for the Rockbelter Mine Station. Now make
your way to the end of the train to find two chests containing a LAPIS LAZULI,
and FLAME GOD'S STONE x3. Head through a couple of doors and you will reach the
entrance to the mines.

|   Vedan, Rockbelter Mine   |

o---------------------------------o As you enter through the last door and into
|    Treasure Chests Found (17)   | the mine make sure to save at the
o---------------------------------o teleporter. Synthesis some new weapons if
|Dragon God Skull                 | you can. I would say having weapons with
|Mimic                            | around 175-180 would do nicely. Follow the
|Tri-Elixir x2                    | shaft for a bit and you will encounter a
|Medusa's Locks                   | scene. Once that is finished, continue down
|Lapis Lazuli                     | the mine shaft and collect the chest up
|Myriad Branch                    | ahead for a DRAGON GOD SKULL. Down the
|Hellpot Flame x2                 | shaft a little further is chest which has a
|Premiere Toy Box                 | Mimic inside. Now make your way down a bit
|Electric Eel                     | further to reach an overpass intersection.
|Thunder Stone                    | Jump down to your right and you will reach
|Alluring Lamp                    | a chest at the dead-end containing
|Ancient Scroll II (cursed trap)  | TRI-ELIXIR x2. Make your way back to the
|Tri-Heal x2 (Star Key)(10)       | overpass and continue heading to the east.
|Lapis Lazuli                     | Continue down the shaft and ignore the two
|Retro Boombox                    | paths leading north and you will reach an
|Flame God's Stone x3             | overpass. Search underneath it for a chest
|Heavy Attachment                 | containing some MEDUSA'S LOCKS. Continue
o---------------------------------o down the shaft to reach another
|    Enemies found in area (8)    | intersection. To the east is a teleporter
o---------------------------------o and an elevator headind down. Head to the
|Volcano (20)                     | west for now a search a small alchove just
|Moleman (30)                     | ahead for a chest which contains a LAPIS
|Shellknight (30)                 | LAZULI. Now make your way back to the
|Undead Bandit (25)               | teleporter, save, and then ride the lift
|Killer Mountain (20)             | down to the 2nd Strata.
|Hypher (30)                      |
|Ghost Animal (25)                | At the bottom turn the map and search to
|Glaring Claw (25)                | the right of elevator for a chest which
o---------------------------------o contains a MYRIAD BRANCH. Now follow the
shaft down and will pass under an overpass. Keep following the shaft and you
will reach another overpass with a shopkeeper in the middle. Purchase what you
need here and continue heading south until you arrive underneath another
underpass. Search for a chest containing HELLPOT FLAME x2. Now make you way
back to the last over pass. Jump down to the east and make your way down until
you reach a dead-end that has a chest containing a PREMIERE TOY BOX. Now head
to the east just in front of the chest, and follow the shaft and reach an
overpass. Jump down to the south, and follow it down the rest of the way, and
then save at the teleporter. Once you are ready, take the left down and you
will enter the Excavation Site.

Up ahead a bit there is a chest which contains an ELECTRIC EEL. Before you go
any further I would strongly suggest that you learn both Top Dog and the Bone
Shield Revelation skills for Deego. Once you are ready continue following the
path and you reach a semi-large open area. There will be a scene and you will
have to battle two bosses consectively.

BOSS BATTLE; Early Model Drill Rig (Recommended level 34)
HP; Right Arm 5,043 Left Arm 5,043 Body 10,086
Elemental Weakness; Electric
Difficulty; Easy
Drops; Perfect Heal, Perfect Reviver, Tri-Elixir, 1,400 Zehn
Experience; 3,012 for active characters and 2/3 for reserve characters

To start this battle, you must take care of both of the arms first. This is a
rather simple task. Stand back from a distance and spam your strongest
multiple hitting moves. It will take a few of them, but it will keep you out of
harms way for now. Once the arms are destroyed you will now be able to attack
body. Since this boss has a huge weakness to electric type attacks, you should
have Jaster using Flash Sword Lv.2, and Deego using his top dog skill. Just
hammer away at him, and of course make sure to heal when needed. It should drop
in a matter of a few seconds.

It's not over yet, now there will be a short scene to follow and now the real
battle begins. You will have to control Deego alone for the next battle.

BOSS BATTLE; Gale (Recommended level 34)
HP; 10,340
Elemental Weakness; None
Difficulty; Hard
Drops; Tri-Heal
Experience; 1,000 for Deego and 2/3 for the rest of your party members

Ok this battle is hard. It is one that can be lost at a blink of the eye if you
are not careful, he hits fast and hard. Start the battle by using the ability
Top Dog which boosts his attack power a little. The only time you want to
attack him is when he is either "taunting" you, or reloading his ammo. So block
right away if he attacks. Heal if necessary. If your Top Dog expires make sure
to re-use it at your next opportunity. Don't gamble in this fight, he has a LOT
of HP and one mistake can force you to battle both bosses again. And don't be
distracted like I was the first time by all the chests. After awhile he will
eventually fall. Phew, that's finally over:) You will get the Officer's Coin
from Gale.

After the scene open the chests in the room for THUNDER STONE, ALLURING LAMP,
ANCIENT SCROLL II (curse trap), LAPIS LAZULI, and TRI-HEAL x2 which requires
the Star Key. Now head west through the small passage way into a huge open
area, saving at the teleporter along the way. Climb down the sets of stairs to
find a chest containing RETRO BOOMBOX. In the Southeast section of this room
is a chest containing FLAME GOD'S STONE x3, and in the Northwest corner is a
chest containing HEAVY ATTACHMENT (search behind the large boulders). Now if
you have purchased the bounty information for the Quarry "The Cave Bandit" you
can use a Stella Crystal at the "Thinking Circle". However it's best to avoid
this one for now anyway (I'll let you know when it's a good time). Now that
that's over with, make your way out of the mines by teleporting and then head
back to Angela's Bar for a short scene. Now head to the North Myna train
station for a few scenes.

From now on you will now be able to pick and choose you active party. Jaster
can't be removed however.

End of Chapter Six, The Guide.. 

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