
Rogue Galaxy: Chapter 3

2:22 AM | ,

/    Chapter Three, The Star God's Altar    \

|   Juraika, Burkaqua Village   |

o---------------------------------o After viewing the short scene at the
|   Treasure Chests Found (9)     | entrance to the village, you will no be
o---------------------------------o allowed entrance. Before heading to the
|Dreamflower Ash                  | Chief's hut, your next objective, take your
|Mellow Banana                    | time to search the small huts, up a couple
|Juraikan Coffee Beans            | of ladders and outside, for several chests
|Wishing Star (Earth Key)(5)      | containing DREAMFLOWER ASH, JURAIKAN COFFEE
|Star Earrings                    | BEANS x3, a chest requiring the Earth Key,
|Ancient Scroll I                 | a pair of STAR EARRINGS, RECHARGE DRINK x3,
|Recharge Drink x3                | MELLOW BANANA, and final an ANCIENT
|Earth Key                        | SCROLL I. Up the hill in the north side of
|Heal Potion x3                   | the village is a shopkeeper hut. There are
o---------------------------------o quite a few nice things to buy. Omega Stars
and Hyper Crystals can be fused with any weapon that is maxed with skill to add
points to various elemental properties, depending on what number of points
they are sitting at. It's best to avoid them for now, since they are not
needed at this time and are rather expensive. Get what weapons and items you
want and take the path to the north. 

Follow it until you reach the end for a chest containing HEAL POTION x3. Now
head back to the village and make your way to the small hut with the large
double doors. AS you approach the doos there will be a scene. Aferwards head
bach into the Chief's hut and open the chest inside for the EARTH KEY. That's
one of the three keys now. You can open the chest in the village requiring that
key to obtain WISHING STARS. Head back to the area you fought the Mud Whooper
for another Earth Key chest containing THUNDER STONE x2. And finally make your
way due north from the Creekside teleporter to find the third Earth Key chest
containing DYNAMITE HANDS. Once to have all those make your way back to the
village. Head towards the house near the transporter and then head up to the
door. After the scene it will be morning again and you will be free to move
around freely.

I would strongly suggest that you try synthesizing some better weapons right
now. Always save before trying. Here's a hint; if you mix a Rock Crusher and a
Ridge Crusher together it will create a Gaia Crusher, and the other weapons
will disappear permenantly. There are hundreds of different to go with, this
is just a start and to show you how it works. Once you are ready, make your
way up to the western exit. There will be a short scene to follow. Once that
is finished you are able to travel to your next destination.

|   Jurakai, Path to the Altar   |

o---------------------------------o Before heading down the path, make sure to
|    Treasure Chests Found (14)   | check beside the entrance back to the
o---------------------------------o village for a chest containing some
|Medusa's Locks                   | MEDUSA's LOCKS. It would also be a good
|Ancient Scroll I (Earth Key)(6)  | idea to use those Star Earrings you got in
|Magic Lipstick                   | the village and teach Jaster the Illusion
|Heal Potion x3                   | Sword Lv.1 ability. You will need a Diamond
|Frozen Slasher                   | as well, so if you never got one from an
|Hoho Bird Feather x4             | enemy drop, head back to the shop at Rhyzas
|Mimic                            | Swamp and buy one there. Not only does this
|Myriad Branch x2                 | skill increase Jaster's attack, it also
|Ruby                             | allows him to attack from a safe distance
|Wanderer's Coat (Star Key)(4)    | with his sword. The other added bonus is
|Queen Bee Stinger x2             | that it adds the holy element to his
|Jungle Coat                      | attacks, making it an effective Mimic
|Snow Crest                       | killer move.
|Magic Lipstick *                 |
|Antidote x2 *                    | Continue up the path now and you will reach
|                                 | a T-junction. For now take the path leading
|* - Available after chapter 5    | to the right on the map. Follow the path
o---------------------------------o all the way as far it goes and you will a
|    Enemies found in area (11)   | reach a teleporter. Save, and search to the
o---------------------------------o right side of it for a chest containing an
|Mutch (30)                       | ANCIENT SCROLL I, which requires the Earth
|King Bee (35)                    | Key. Now continue up to the crashed
|Blue Thunder (30)                | ship and a scene will play out. Afterwards
|Gorra (25)                       | you will receive the Broken Freeze Shot.
|Moui (30)                        | You can't do anything with that just yet,
|Maurya (20)                      | but there are four chests around the ship.
|Stinger (30)                     | To the left side and towards the back are
|Red Spider (30)                  | two chests containing HEAL POTION x3, and
|Cactugus (30)                    | some MAGIC LIPSTICK. To the right side and
|Shadow Wood (20)                 | to the back of the ship is a chest which
|Muu Muu (20)                     | contains a FROZEN SLASHER. Now if you
|Horrorwood (30)                  | check the northern tip of this area you can
o---------------------------------o find a chest containing HOHO BIRD FEATHER
x4. You may have to turn rotate your position to be able to see it. Once you
have gathered the chests and such, make your way back to the intersection and
take the other path this time.

Follow the path for a short distance and there will be another intersection.
For now make your way down the path to your the left. Follow the path alongside
the river bank and you will come across a chest which contains a Mimic. Once
you have beaten it, make your way down the path and you will eventually reach
a transporter. Save, and make your way to the hut. Upon crossing the bridge a
small scene will play out. You will now have acquired the Freeze Shot. Inside
the hut there is a chest at the top of the ladder which requires the Star Key.
Outside the hut there are two chests containing MYRIAD BRANCH x2, and a RUBY.

Once you picked up both chests, make your way back to the intersection and
proceed down the other path this time. Ahead you will find another teleporter,
and a shopkeeper. Save and purchase any items you need. Don't waste too much
money at the moment. If you insist on getting everything, then it would be a
good idea to fight around for a bit with the local groups of enemies. You will
need quite a bit of cash for after you complete your objective and such.

To the left of the shopkeeper there is a lone chest containing a QUEEN BEE
STINGER. From there you will need to swim across the water and head to the
base of the huge waterfall. Remember that Freeze Shot you just acquired?
Well now you need to use it at the "Thinking Circle". This will freeze the
waterfall for you. Now in order to get to the top of the waterfall you will
need to use that trusty old Monography Shot on the same circle. This will
create a set of small platforms up to the top. Once you get up about 3/4 of
the way there will be a chest to the right side which contains JUNGLE COAT.
Be careful when jumping or you may have to make your way back up again. Once
you reach the top, follow the water down and search the bank to the right
for a chest containing a SNOW CREST, continue following the river until you
see a path leading to your right. Up ahead there will be a small scene and
Zegram will leave your group temporarily. Up the path a little further is
another transporter, so make sure you save and cash in for any hunter points
you may have earned up to this point. If you have any Revelation abilities,
now would be a good time to learn them. Once you are ready continue down the
path for a scene and a boss.

BOSS BATTLE; Individer (Recommended level 16)
HP 7,000
Elemental Weakness; Ice
Difficulty; Medium
Drops: Tri-Heal, Resurrection, 560 Zehn
Experience; Depends solely on your current level, reserve characters earn 2/3
            of the active party experience

The first thing you should realize is that for now you will only have Kisala
with you, which makes it a little more dangerous than if you had three with
you. Start by equipping the Freeze Shot. You can't damage it unless it is
frozen. Shoot it once to freeze it. Now that it's frozen, use that Illusion
Sword Lv.1 technique you learn earlier. You may have to move the target by
using the left or right directional buttons since there are mutiple worms as
well. Just concentrate on the boss. The effects of the Freeze shot are only
temporary so you will need to blast another shot at it if it wears off. After
doing a bit of damage to it, you will be joined by Lilika for the remainder of
the battle. Just use the same techniques as before, and heal when needed and
the battle will be over shortly, and you will emerge victorious.

** There are two chests in this large area as well, but you can't get them yet.

After the battle, and a few small scenes Lilika will now join your party as a
permenant character.

End of Chapter Three, The Star God's Altar.. 

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