
Rogue Galaxy: Chapter 2

2:21 AM | ,

/    Chapter Two, The Jungle Planet    \

|   Rosa, Rosa Nebula   |

After a few scenes you will now have control of Jaster on board the Dorgenark.
Save at the teleporter, and then talk to Steve at the helm. After the scene,
head through the door closest to the transporter, and ride the elevator down.
You will be in the lounge. Don't go through the door across to the other side,
but instead take the other door. Follow the hallway down and through another
door. You will now be outside on the deck of the ship. Good thing they have
shields:). After a couple of scenes Kisala will join up with you and a boss
battle will occur.

BOSS BATTLE; Deviler x4 (Recommended Level 7)
HP 407 each
Elemental Weakness; Fire, Ice
Difficulty; Semi-Easy
Drops; Heal Potion x2, 84-105
Experience; Depends solely on your current level

This battle isn't as hard as you might expect. Yes, there are four enemies but
they really don't hit all that hard. Have Jaster shooting from a distance and
block while they are circling around the front of the ship. Once you finish off
a couple of them, it will become a lot easier. Just keep your HP up at all
times and you'll be fine. Before long the battle will be over.

Now a few scenes will play out and you will now be on a totally new planet.

|   Juraika, Path to Burkaqua   |

o---------------------------------o After a brief tutorial on the ship you
|    Treasure Chests Found (23)   | will now have two allies join you, Zegram,
o---------------------------------o and Kisala. You will be on he deck of the
|Graverosse                       | ship. Take the lift on the right side down
|Sanchez Fruit x4                 | to the ground. Follow the path down a bit
|Bolt Shuriken                    | and you will find a shopkeeper. Purchase
|Mimic                            | some healing supplies and get one or two
|Mimic                            | Burning Blasters for Jaster. Search the
|Dreamflower Ash                  | chest beside the shopkeeper for GRAVEROSSE.
|Thunder Stones x3 (Earth Key)(3) | Once you are ready, follow the path down
|Myriad Branch                    | for a bit and you will encounter a small
|Milit-Grade Battery (Star Key)(3)| scene. Down the path a little further there
|Cumulus Pendant                  | is a chest on the right side of the path
|Resurrection x3                  | containing SANCHEZ FRUIT x4. Down the path
|Silver Bangle                    | further there is another chest containing a
|Mimic                            | BOLT SHURIKEN. Equip that to Zegram, and
|Spirit Bell                      | continue following the path for another
|Queen Bee Stinger                | short scene. You will eventually reach a
|Heal Potion x3                   | 4-way intersection. Save at the transporter
|Tri-Heal                         | and take the path to the right for now.
|Mimic                            |
|Pirate's Grog                    | Down the path a bit there will be two paths
|Mimic                            | leading to the left and right as well as
|Hellpot Flame x2                 | the path you are on. Ignore the paths
|Divine Healing x2                | in the other directions for now and follow
|Yago Milk                        | the path a little further to reach a chest.
|Thunder Stones (Earth Key)(4)    | Beware, this is not an actual chest, but
o---------------------------------o contains a Mimic. These guys are very hard
|     Enemies found in area (9)   | compared to the other regular enemies you
o---------------------------------o have fought so far here. You options for
|Horrorwood (30)                  | beating these guys are low right now, so
|Smiley (20)                      | I'd advice using Jaster's blaster instead
|King Bee (35)                    | of his sword. You will be forced to use a
|Gorra (25)                       | Resurrection or heal potion periodically.
|Mutch (30)                       | And don't forget to block. His attacks can
|Stump (30)                       | wipe you out in a matter of two to three
|Pirahnite (20)                   | hits. It will eventually fall and you will
|Moui (30)                        | obtain a Hunter Coin. Now technically you
|Blue Thunder (30)                | don't have to grab the chests containing
o---------------------------------o Mimics, but each one you battle and defeat,
you will be rewarded with a Hunter Coin. For further reference Mimics can be
identified by the color of locking mechanism on the front of the chest. If the
chest has a brown locking mechanism, then it's a Mimic.

I would advise heading back to the transporter for now and save. Once you are
ready head back down the path again and take the path to the right this time.
You will need to jump up to reach the path. Follow the path down to the end and
you will find two chests. The chest on the left side of the water contains a
DREAMFLOWER ASH. The chest on the right side of the water contains another
Mimic. Use the same tactics as before and take this guy out. You will be
awarded with another Hunter Coin. Each and every Mimic you defeat will drop
them. Afterwards head back to the teleporter and save. Take the path to the
north as indicated on the mini-map. Up the path a bit you will find a chest
requiring the Earth Key. Continue down the path and you will reach a dead-end,
and a short scene. You can't do anything here yet, so head back to the
teleporter and take the path to the west this time.

Follow the path down until it splits. Continue heading west and you will reach
a chest briefly that contains a MYRIAD BRANCH. Now head back and take the other
route this time. Follow that path to reach another teleporter. Save, and head
down towards the small hut. As you approach the door a small scene will play
out. Afterwards you will receive the key item, the Power Glove. Inside the hut,
there is a locked chest requiring the Star Key. Outside, there is a chest to
the right and behind the hut containing HEAL POTION x2. Now make your way back
to that dead-end with the giant statue. There will be a small scene and you
will see a small circular icon with a ? on top. These are known as "Thinking
Circles". Press X on top of it, and a small item menu will come up. Use the
newly acquired Power Glove, and you will move the statue. Now that the path is
clear make your way down it. You will now have the ability to participate in
challenge battles. Each time you meet the conditions of a challenge battle you
will be rewarded with a Hunter Coin.

The condition types are;
Win without taking damage
Win under a certain time limit
Win in under a certain time limit without healing or abilities
Win alone using a specific character

It's up to you whether you want to try and fulfill those condition, but
ultimately it will be up to you. They appear randomly from time to time. I
would strongly advise getting as many as you can get though. Also note that the
lower the level you are in an area, the better the chance of a challenge battle

Further ahead there are two chests containing a CUMULUS PENDANT, and
RESURRECTION x3. Up ahead you run into another intersection as well as a
transporter across the river. You can't do anything to the north fot now, so
head back across the water. Down the path to the west, there is a chest
containing a SILVER BANGLE, as well as a shopkeeper. Make sure to purchase some
healing items, as well as the Rock Crusher for Jaster, the Pirate's Glaives for
Kisala, and the Half-Moon Rising. Each of those weapons are a little stronger
than ones you have already. Once you have everything continue heading down the
path to the west.

You will shortly come across a battle against some Gorra. These guys are just
like the other ones, but you will receive the game's first Ancient Scroll for
after defeating it. This can teach any one character the Burning Strike I
ability. Now enemies will drop small blue orbs after defeating each enemy. As
you pick them up a small gauge will fill up. Once there is a "5" on the top
left hand side of the screen, you can press RI and Square at the same time to
perform a 5 hit combo move. It does great damage to one enemy and will not
deplete your action gauge.

Down the path a little further is another chest containing a Mimic. Use your
best attack, and take care of it in the same fashion as you did the other two.
Follow the path some more and you will reach a chest on the left side
containing a SPIRIT BELL. Now make your way to the end of the path to reach a
transporter and another small hut. Save, and make your way to the cabin. After
a short scene, you will receive a Bomb. Afterwards, check the side of the hut
for a chest containing a QUEEN BEE STINGER. Now head back and cross the river
and head past the transporter. You will soon come across a huge boulder. Use
that newly acquired Bomb at the "Thinking Circle" to blow that rock to
smithereens. Now that the path is open, continue forward. Up ahead the path
narrows out, and there are no encounters in that area. There is a chest in the
area up ahead containing some HEAL POTION x3. Now make your way down further to
reach a 4-way intersection.

For now, make your way down the path to the west on your map. You will find a
chest immediately containing a TRI-HEAL. Follow this path the rest of the way
and you will reach a dead-end and two chests containing a PIRATE's GROG, and a
Mimic. Defeat it for another Hunter Coin and then make your way back to the
intersection. Now make your way up the path to the north. Up the path a bit you
will run into another chest containing a Mimic. Continue down the path a little
further to find a chest containing a HELLPOT FLAME. Move up a little further,
and you will encounter a small scene and be introduced to the Insectron mini-
game. You will also receive the Insector Trap I and the Rearing Cage I, along
with some Sanchez Fruit. Insectron will be covered at a later point. For now
make you way down the rest of the path. After a short distance, you will reach
the gates of Burkaqua Village. Unfortunately they don't take too kindly to
strangers, and refuse you passage into the village. Well its time to make your
way back down the path and back to the intersection. Take the last unexplored
path to the east this time.

Down the path a bit there is another transporter, so make sure you save. It
would also be a good idea to see if there are any new revelations you can
learn. Once you are ready head a little further down the path to encounter a
scene and a boss battle.

BOSS BATTLE; Mud Whooper (Recommended level 14)
HP 6,000
Elemetal Weakness; Fire, Ice
Difficulty; Medium
Drops; Rock Crusher, Heal Potion, 350 Zehn
Experience; Depends solely on your current level, reserve characters earn 2/3
            of the active party experience

You will not be able to use Kisala for this battle, you will however have the
use of an NPC instead. It is advised that you try and stay out of range of this
boss because his lightning attacks are devastating. Chances are you will be
using a lot of Resurrections and Heal Potions for the other two characters. So
stand from a distance and fire off shots with Jaster's blaster. If he starts
leping towards you make sure you block. If you want to get up close and
personal while you blaster gauge is refilling, I would advise using the Flash
Blade skill first to slightly increase damage output. Eventually it will fall
and you emerge victorious.

Afterwards a small scene will occur and you will be given Toady, the Synthesis
Frog. You can use the Synthesis Frog to combine two different weapon to make a
totally new, more powerful type. Certain weapon combination will give you
better results, while others will not be very effective. For now leave the
Desert Seeker alone. You will also acquire the Ridge Crusher sword for Jaster.
The command "Frog Log" will be added to your main menu. You can use this to
check different weapon combination as the game progresses. Take note that
quite a few combination will not show up here.

Before making your way back to Burkaqua Village, there are three chests in this
swamp area. The top right corner on your map is a chest which requires the
Earth Key, the other two chests are close to the path. They contain some YAGO
MILK, and DIVINE HEALING x2. Now save at the transporter and make your way to
the village when you're ready.

End of Chapter Two, The Jungle Planet..

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