
Rogue Galaxy: Chapter 1

2:15 AM | ,

/       Chapter One, The Departure         \

|   Rosa, City of Salgin   |

o---------------------------------o After a few opening scenes you will be in
|    Treasure Chests Found (25)   | of the main character Jaster Rogue and a
o---------------------------------o mysterious hooded man. After a few scenes
|Snow Crest x2                    | you will be introduced to a short tutorial
|Heal Potion x3                   | battle against some Baphu. These guys are
|Alloy Hammer Fists (Star Key)(1) | easy. Hammer away with any of your attacks
|Heal Potion x3                   | and be done with them. You will start out
|Thunder Stone                    | once you gain control of Jaster, in front
|Medusa's Locks (Earth Key)(1)    | of the church. Beside the church is a chest
|Max Heal                         | containing SNOW CREST x2. Now Head inside
|Thunder Stone                    | the church and search to the left of the
|Lucky Clover (Sun Key)(1)        | entrance for a chest containing HEAL POTION
|Divine Healing                   | x3. Head back outside and take the only
|Silver Bangle                    | available path at the moment. Upon crossing
|Max Heal                         | a bridge you will come find a transporter.
|Recharge Drink                   | With these you can save, teleport to a
|Iron Board x2                    | previously visited transporter on a planet,
|Heal Potion x2                   | exchange for hunter points if you have met
|Tri-Heal x3                      | certain conditions, and finally an item
|Myriad Branch x2 (Earth Key)(2)  | storage. The Exchange Points menu won't be
|Silver Bangle                    | available just yet. After saving continue
|Dreamflower Ash x3               | down the path and you will reach a T-
|Snow Crest                       | junction and another small tutorial battle.
|Izerium (bomb trap)              | Again these guys are very easy. Use any
|Cumulus Pendant                  | attack and be done with them.
|Resurrection x2                  |
|Cold Spray (curse trap)          | After the battle you can take the path
|Pride of Kings (Star Key)(2) *   | leading to the left to find two chests.
|                                 | One requires a certain key which you can't
|* Only obtainable from Chapter   | gat for awhile and the other chest contains
|Ten onward                       | HEAL POTION x3. Head Back to the T-junction
o---------------------------------o and take the other path this time. Follow
|    Enemies Found In Area (7)    | the road for a bit and you will soon come
o---------------------------------o across a chest containing a THUNDER STONE.
|Baphu (30)                       | Enter the house next to the chest and you
|Dragonfly (25)                   | will find another chest which requires a
|Sand Tortoise (30)               | different key this time. Again you will not
|Mish (30)                        | receive this for awhile. You can climb the
|Cactulus (20)                    | ladder in the house to reach a chest
|Statue Dog (30)                  | containing a MAX HEAL. Head back outside
|Gold Child (30)                  | and continue following the road and you
o---------------------------------o will witness a short scene. Afterwards
continue down the path and you come across an area that requires you to jump
across the water. Pressing O will allow you to Jump. Pressing X or O will
allow you to pull yourself up.

After getting to the other side, search to the left for two chests containing
C02 POWDER x2, and HEAL POTION x3. There is also another transporter nearby, so
save your progress. Immediately upon turning the corner up ahead you will
encounter a small scene and face your first real battle. The mysterious hooded
man will leave you, but will leave behind the first Seven Star Sword of the
game, The Desert Seeker, and the Battle Recorder. This will enable you to
collect points from any transporter if you have met the conditions of either
enemy hunts or quarry hunts. It would be a wise idea to have Jaster learn the
Revelation move Flash Sword beforehand. Use the Thunder Stone you acquired
from the chest in the Revelation chart and use the item where required.
Revelations will become essential as the game progresses.

BOSS BATTLE; Giant x2 (Recommended Level 4-5)
HP; 350 (Each)
Elemental Weakness; None
Difficulty; Medium
Drops; Heal Potion x2, 84-105 Zehn
Experience; Depends solely on your current level

You will notice when you start the battle that you can't seem to damage it.
You will encounter a small tutorial about barrier types. This particular enemy
requires that you jump and attack the head or upper body. Now before you do
anything you should try that Flash Sword out. Not only does it increase your
damage output but it also has the chance of electricuting the enemy, dealing
extra damage every few seconds. It is also a good idea and try to separate
them as much as possible. It can really hurt you if you get hit simultaneously
by both Giants. Jump up and attack their head. You will get up to three swings
with your main weapon before landing back on the ground. Just keep repeating
the process and re-use your Flash Sword when it runs out. Be sure of course to
keep your HP topped at all times, two or three solid attacks by them can kill
you. After a short while they will both go down.

Now before proceeding down the path, be sure to check the house on the right
side of the path. Inside on the floor you will find another chest which
requires that final key that you will obtain. Now climb the ladder inside and
you will reach a chest containing a DIVINE HEALING. Now head back outside and
continue on and you will come across another transporter. Save, and enter the
building to the left side. Inside you will find a shopkeeper, so make some
purchase that you need, such as healing items. *See the Shop Information
section for a complete list of items*. There is also a chest inside containing
HEAL POTION x2. Once your ready head back out side and continue down the road.

Down the path a bit, you will find a chest on the right side containing a
SILVER BANGLE. Continue following the path and you will come across a huge pile
of rubble in the middle of the road. Jump up on the boxes and jump up and grab
a hold of the vent. Pull yourself up and make your way to the other side. Jump
down afterwards and turn around to spot a chest containing a THUNDER STONE.
Continue down the road a little further and you will a chest on the right side
containing a MAX HEAL. Continue on and you will come across another
transporter, so be sure to save your progress. Before continuing forward, I
would advise you to learn any other Revelation moves possible, and get your
level up to around level 6, if your still below that. Just ahead you will
encounter a small scene and pick up the characters; Steve and Simon. You will
now be introduces to the games one and only forced quarry boss.

BOSS BATTLE; Mark VIII Salamander (Recommended Level 6)
HP; Leg Irons 200 (Each), Heart 250, Head 800
Elemental Weakness; None
Difficulty; Slightly Hard
Drops; Tri-Heal, Resurrection, 280 Zehn
Experience; Depends solely on your current level
Hunter Points Value; 20,000

This battle is a mutiple stage battle. You first objective is to destroy the
four Leg Irons. Any basic attack will do just fine. Make sure to heal if
needed. It won't take too long to destroy them. Now that the Leg Irons are
gone, Steve and Simon will leave the party temporarily and you will now be
given a new blaster called the Monography Shot.

Now the second stage of the battle begins. After a brief tutorial on its use,
its time to attack its Heart. You will automatically be given a set of
platforms to which you can jump on. Make your way up to the top and swing away
with you sword. Be careful because it's realy easy to fall off. Take note as
well that the platforms will disappear after a while. If they do, you will
need to hit the boss at the front end to create another set of platforms. Make
sure you heal frequently because he can charge right at you. Make use of the
block command. Hold RI to block. Not only does it block and reduce damage
greatly, but it will charge your action gauge faster. Repeat the process and
eventually the heart will be destroyed.

For the final stage of the battle it will be your objective to destroy its
Head. Now the fun begins. You do not want to attack from the front, but instead
from the side. He loves to breath out flames that not only do quite a bit of
damage but can also light your character on fire. Use your Flash Blade and
hammer away. Keep an eye on your HP and remember to block when needed. Just
keep repeating the process until it finally takes the dirt nap. Now that the
battle is finally over you will now be able to cash in for a whopping 20,000
hunter points at any transporter. Steve and Simon will now rejoin your party.

There are a couple of shops and a few chests to grab before you leave. In the
inner area of this square shaped open area are two shopkeepers. One specializes
in weapons and the other in items. Purchase what you need and head back
outside. Search around the same buildings for two chests containing a SILVER
BANGLE, and DREAMFLOWER ASH x3. In the upper left corner of your mini-map there
is a chest containing a RECHARGE DRINK. From this same area take the path
leading off to the top right corner of your mini-map. Follow the road all the
way to the end and enter the large building. Inside you will find a chest to
the right of the stairs containing IRON BOARD x2, and to the left of the
entrance a chest containing HEAL POTION x2. Head up the stairs and through the
door. Upon heading outside immediately turn right and search in the far corner
to find two chests. One requires the Earth Key, and the other chest contains
TRI-HEAL x3. Search the other corner to the left of the entrance for a chest
containing a SNOW CREST. Now teleport back to the first transporter.

Just past the bridge there is a chest containing a CUMULUS PENDANT. On each
side of the church you will find a chest. They contain a COLD SPRAY (curse
trap), and RESURRECTION x2. Now that you have picked up all those chests,
return to the town square. In the bottom right corner on your mini-map there
is another transporter. Save, and take the small road to the south. Search
beside the large doors on the left side for a chest containing some IZERIUM
(bomb trap). Now speak with the man named Katahari and pay the 200 Zehn he
asks for and rent the Yago.

End of Chapter One, The Departure..

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