
Rogue Galaxy: Chapter 12

2:45 AM | ,

/    Chapter Twelve, All Good Things    \

Before continuing into the Gulza Sanctuary you can head back to Zerard and
purchase the Quarries;

"The Rogue Pirates"
"The Envoy From on High"

You can do "The Rogue Pirate" if you want right away. Head to Rosa and go to
the large square shaped area before the Spaceport and use of Lucky Clover at
the "Thinking Circle" to battle..

OPTIONAL BOSS BATTLE; Lil' Devils No. 1,2,3 (Recommended level 54)
HP 28,000 (each)
Drops; 9,999 Exp, 1,553 Zehn, UFO Attack Set, 19,000 Hunter Points

This battle is simple if you have learned skills like Supernova Lv 1-2 or any
strong combination move. Just use the combination move and rotate between
characters using their strongest multiple hitting attacks, since there are
three enemies to deal with. If your quick enough you may not even suffer a
point of damage. Make sure you heal though if you do get hit. Afterwards
cash in for a fairly easy 19,000 Hunter Points. At this point you should
only have two quarries left if you have been completing them.

The last two quarries will be availble shortly. Now is the time to try and
synthesize the strongest weapons. You should easily be able to do so by now.
Once you are ready head for the Gulza Sanctuary.

|   Mariglenn, Gulza Sanctuary   |

o--------------------------------o  This dungeon is quite long, but you will
|   Treasure Chests Found (36)   |  find numerous chests and finally be able
o--------------------------------o  to obtain Crystal Staffs. Follow the path
|Hoho Bird Feather               |  for a bit and you will encounter a small
|Ultra Spicy Pepper x2           |  scene and be in the Gulza Sanctuary. In
|Crystal Staff                   |  the small alchove to the east there is a
|Lucky Clover                    |  chest containing HOHO BIRD FEATHER. Follow
|Sanchez Fruit x4                |  the path and collect the chests containing
|Plasma Shield                   |  ULTRASPICY PEPPER, CRYSTAL STAFF, LUCKY
|Dark Onyx x2                    |  CLOVER and SANCHEZ FRUIT x4 until you
|Ancient Scroll III              |  reach a fork in the path. Follow the north
|Mermaid's Scale x2              |  path and grab the chest on the upper ledge
|Mimic                           |  containing PLASMA SHIELD. Follow the path
|Nebuladon Egg                   |  for a while and when the other path
|Omega Star (Sun Key)(11)        |  reconnects to the main path search to the
|Alluring Lamp                   |  east for a chest containing DARK ONYX x2.
|Stella Crystal                  |  Now continue for a while and you will reach
|Star Earrings                   |  a teleporter. Save and continue heading
|Detructo Attachment (curse trap)|  east.
|Mirror Unit                     |
|Izerium Alloy (bomb trap)       |  Follow the path and stay to the left side.
|Ganymede (Sun Key)(12)          |  You will come across three chests beside
|Pirate's Grog x3                |  each other containing ANCIENT SCROLL III,
|Revolva Alloy                   |  MERMAID'S SCALE x2 and a Mimic. Just ahead
|Mimic                           |  there is an overpass. Keep the the left and
|Excelion Shard                  |  head underneath it find a chest containing
|Elixir x4                       |  NEBULADON EGG. Now head up and over the
|Ancient Scroll III              |  overpass. Further along the path you will
|Hyper-Gravity Sensor            |  find a chest containing OMEGA STAR
|Tachyon Motor                   |  (Sun Key). Follow the path until you reach
|Seventhmoon (curse trap)        |  a small alchove to the left with a chest
|Typhoon Shield (Star Key)(24)   |  containing ALLURING LAMP. Continue
|Divine Blessing                 |  following the path to reach a shopkeeper.
|Energy Charger                  |  Purchase what you need here and continue
|Chaos Chip                      |  down the path. Down the path a bit there
|Izerium                         |  is a chest containing STELLA CRYSTAL.
|Mimic                           |  Continue on and you will be in on open area
|Crystal Staff x2                |  that has a teleporter and a bunch of
|Brave Symbol                    |  branches leading in all directions.
|    Enemies found in area (14)  |
o--------------------------------o  The directions are; (from the west
|Gold Mask (30)                  |  entrance going clockwise)
|Death Mask (30)                 |  West, Northwest, North, Northeast, East,
|Manticore (30)                  |  Southeast, South Southeast, South,
|Magic Priest (30)               |  Southwest.
|Hecaton (20)                    |
|Solon (20)                      |  Start with the Northwest path first.
|Lumious (30)                    |  Follow the path until you reach a
|Babel (30)                      |  branch in the road. Head north from
|Blizzard (30)                   |  there and follow it for a while and you
|Devil (30)                      |  will find a chest containing STAR EARRINGS.
|Ice Eater (20)                  |  Further up the path there is a chest
|Clumpy Sr. (30)                 |  containing DESTRUCTO ATTACHMENT (curse
o--------------------------------o  trap). Further up the path there will be
one more chest containing MIRROR UNIT. Now follow the path the rest of the way
for a scene. You will receive the Drigellum of Friendship. The Officer's Coin
will transform into the Keepsake Coin. You can now teach Deego the Our Song
ability. Now you'll be back at the central area. Save and take the Northern
path this time.

Follow the path for a while and you will eventually reach a chest containing
IZERIUM ALLOY (bomb trap). Follow the path again for a while to reach a small
alchove on the right for a chest containing GANYMEDE (Sun Key). Now just follow
the path the rest of the way for a scene. Afterwards you will receive the
Drigellum of Dreams. Now that your back at the central area save at the
teleporter and take the Northeast path this time.

Follow the path for awhile and you will eventually reach a chest containing
PIRATE'S GROG x3. Continue along the path, ignoring the path to the right.
Ignore the reconnecting path to the right and head up a little further to find
a chest containing REVOLVA ALLOY. Now follow the path the rest of the way for
another scene. Afterwards you will receive the Drigellum of Love. There will be
a scene back at the central area. Now save at the teleporter and take the
Southeast path this time.

Follow the path for a lengthy distance and eventually you will reach two
chests containing Mimic and EXCELION SHARD. Now continue down the pass and over
the overpass. Under the second overpass is a chest containing ELIXIR x4. Now
follow tha path the rest of the way for another scene. Afterwards you will
receive the Drigellum of Desire. Now save at the teleporter and take the South
Southeast path.

Follow the path until you reach a small alchove to the left. Search in it for a
chest containing an ANCIENT SCROLL III. Follow the zig-zagging path for a while
and you will find another chest containing HYPER-GRAVITY SENSOR. Now just
follow the path the reast of the way for another scene. Afterwards you will
receive the Drigellum of Pride. Save at the teleporter and head down the
Southern path this time.

Follow this path until the path turns west and search on the lower part of the
path for a chest containing TACHYON MOTOR. Now continue down the path and over
the two overpasses to eventually reach a chest near the small alchove
containing SEVENTHMOON (curse trap). Now follow the path to the end for a
scene. Afterwards you will receive the Drigellum of Courage. Save at the
teleporter and head down the southwest path for the final Drigellum.

Follow the path for a while and when it turns west about half way head to
the lower part of the path a continue forward for a bit to find a chest
containing TYPHOON SHIELD (Star Key). Now follow the path all the way down
and collect the chest containing DIVINE BLESSING and then all the way to the
end for another scene. Afterwards you will receive the final Drigellum, the
Drigellum of Compassion.

Now before you try and take out the last two hunts head east and follow the
final path East. Follow the path and search the small alchove to the left for
a chest containing ENERGY CHARGER. Continue following the path and you'll find
a chest on the lower part of the path containing CHAOS CHIP. Follow the path
and search for a chest under the overpass for IZERIUM. After passing over the
overpass you will find a chest containing a Mimic. After defeating it continue
down the path and over the next overpass. Search under it for a chest
containing CRYSTAL STAFF x2. Try and save one of those for "The Wayward
Phantasm" quarry you will do momentarily. Further down you will reach a chest
containing BRAVE SYMBOL and another teleporter. Save at the teleporter and
head to any shop to purchase any needed supplies. Your probably running a
little low by now.

If you purchased the quarry; "The Envoy From on High" and have a rank of 5 or
higher you can use a Sealing Sunsphere at the "Thinking Circle" to battle..

OPTIONAL BOSS BATTLE; Sacred Thunder Dragon (Recommended level 56+)
HP; 40,000 Drops; 6,000 Exp, 1,666 Zehn, Demon Rouser, 12,000 Hunter Points

This battle is quite difficult. He has insane defense and he has a lot of HP to
boot. Make sure you constantly keep your HP healed because his breath attacks
can wipe you out in one two hits. He is weak against Lightning, so you can use
Flash Sword Lv 2-3. I prefer Illusion Sword instead. Have your other characters
use buffs skills to increase damage. You will be blocking quite a bit in this
otherwise you will end up taking the dirt nap so expect it to last for a
while. Eventually he will go down and you can cash in for 12,000 Hunter Points.

Now you have one final hunt from way earlier in chapter seven that you couldn't
do because you lacked a Crystal Staff. Board the Dorgenark and head to Rosa.
Head just past the shopkeeper at the beginning of the ruins at the bottom of
some steps and use a Crystal Staff at the "Thinking Circle" to battle..

OPTIONAL BOSS; Dark Messiah (Recommended level 56)
HP; 15,000
Drops; 3,500 Exp, 1,025 Zehn, Prominence Shield, 12,000 Hunter Points

What a joke. For a boss you have to wait so long to get you'd figure this to
be a harder battle. Use Flash Sword and watch this guys HP drop extremely
fast. I managed to win this battle in eight seconds. Now cash in for an easy
12,000 Hunter Points. Well at least you still get to keep that staff..

If you have finished every quarry then it's time to talk to Mio over at the
Galaxy Corperation for Sun's Beloved Wear costume.

Once you are done, head back to the Gulza Sanctuary and head north of the last
teleporter to watch another scene unfold. Say yes to the question. Afterwards
you will receive the Seven Star Sword Zeo Synchros.

End of Chapter Twelve, All Good Things..

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