
Rogue Galaxy: Shop List

3:04 AM | ,

*       ROSA SHOPS              *

KAREEM                  FISAAL                  SLYMAN
Rosa:Kuje Desert:       Rosa:Ancient            Rosa: Labyrinth:
Desert Fork             Ruins: Entrance         Maze of Chaos

Heal Potion             Heal Potion             Heal Potion
Tri-Heal                Max Heal                Max Heal
Tri-Charge              Recharge Drink          Tri-Heal
Resurrection            Tri-Charge              Tri-Charge
Antidote                Resurrection            Resurrection
[Guard Seal]            Strength Star           Tri-Resurrection
Thunder Shield          Divine Protection       Freeze Shield
Stealth Pills           Ancient Scroll II       [Attack Seal]
Walkie-Talkie           Chimera Breath          Lapis Lazuli
Firestone               Blaze Saucer Max        Stella Crystal
Rose of Passion                                 
Pirate's Grog                                   
Murderous Arms                                  

SHILHAWA                MOHANDIS                LAZARK
Rosa:Salgin:            Rosa:Salgin             Rosa:Salgin 
Near the Item Shop      Residential Area:       Residential Area: 
                        Plaza                   Plaza
Heal Potion
Max Heal                Plain Edge              Heal Potion
Perfect Heal            Wild Edge               Recharge Drink
Recharge Drink          Alex Decider            [Perfect Reviver]
Tri-Charge              [Gustbringer]           Resurrection
[Tri-Elixir]            Slungrosse              Relaxing Aroma
Resurrection            Splendid Daggers        Wake-Up Drops
Tri-Resurrection        Moebius Knives          [Brave Symbol]
CO2 Powder              Jabbinger Extras        Yago Milk
Flame Shield            Rapid Squid             Mellow Banana
Storm Shield            Flamethrower Lv2        Iron Cube
[Deus Shield]           Cold Spray              Revolva Alloy
Sanchez Fruit           Dual Hurricane          Lunar Ribbon
[Trap Canceller]        Missile Pod II          Sealing Sunsphere
Stealth Pills           Missile Pod III 
[Stealth Guard]         Vermillion Flare        
Grand Edge              [Crescent Moon] 
Graverosse              Phantom Dream   
Great Hands             Blizzard        
Muscle Hands            Ice Wolf Hatchet        
Osmotic Snipers         Planet Spear    
Flamethrower            Spirit Chorus   
Missile Pod I           Majestic Pocket 
Divine Serpent          Soldier's Axe   
Mountainsong Bow        General's Gold  
Blaze Saucer Box        Brave Slugger   
Round Silver            Guardian 44     
Limit Breaker           Tartaros Maker  
                        Hyper Crystal   
                        Omega Star      
                        [Excelion Shard]        

Rosa: Johannasburg

Heal Potion
Perfect Heal
Recharge Drink
Hyper Crystal
Omega Star
Stella Crystal
Trumpet of Glory
Ancient Scroll III
*       VEDAN SHOPS             *

MODANT                  Corbis                  KAYO
Vedan:Myna:             Vedan:Myna:             Vedan:Myna:
Observation Deck        Near Item               Near Weapon Shop
(Daytron View)          Shop Corbis

Heal Potion             Heal Potion             Gaea Crusher
Max Heal                Tri-Heal                Murakumo Type-S
Recharge Drink          Tri-Charge              Blizzard Edge
Tri-Charge              Elixir                  Spirit Caliber
Resurrection            [Tri-Elixir]            Destructo Blaster
[Attack Seal]           Resurrection            Callisto Shooter
[Guard Seal]            Divine Healing          Chaos Vulture
Stealth Pills           [Unconscious Guard]     Fairy Edges
Antidote                [Mind Guard]            Ancient Daggers
Energy Charger          [Freeze Guard]          Belladonna Needles
Military-Grade Battery  [Daze Guard]            Blast Daemons
Walkie-talkie           [Shock Guard]           Dynamite Hands
Plasma Burst Circuit    [Poison Guard]          Geo Hands
Lunar Ribbon            [Flame Guard]           Killer Grenades
                        [Trap Cancellor]        Beam Avengers
                        Super CPU               [Dreadnought Cannons]
                        Conductive Liqui-Metal  Cold Spray Lv2
                        Lubricant               Aureole Breeze
                        Ancient Scroll I        Dark Infection
                        Hand-Knit Sweater       Demolition Pod
                        [Maid Robot Betty]      Big Hawk
                        The Annals of Hades     Spectral Gleam
                        Mine ID Card            Demon's Bane
                                                Violet Nimbus
                                                Hero's Hatchet
                                                Wasp Sting
                                                Round Spear
                                                Emperor's Rod
                                                Flying Bonus Box
                                                Heavy Axe
                                                Crushing Axe
                                                Silver Axe
                                                Golden Axe
                                                Mad Cerberus
                                                Brave Spirit
                                                Heavy Vulcan
                                                Guardian Zero-G
                                                Kaiser Legion
                                                [Excelion Shard]

BRUNO                   PUCCILE                 JAGLEY
Vedan:Cancer            Vedan:Cancer            Vedan:Rockbelter Mine: 
King's Ruins:           King's Ruins:           2nd Strata
Orphans' Hideout        Area 3: Fork

Heal Potion             Heal Potion             Heal Potion
Max Heal                Perfect Heal            Tri-Heal
Recharge Drink          Tri-Charge              Resurrection
Tri-Charge              Elixir                  Divine Healing
Resurrection            Resurrection            Diamond
Relaxing Aroma          Divine Healing          Ruby
Stamina Extract         [Paralyze Guard]        Lapis Lazuli
Retro Boombox           Pressure Pump           Ruby
Hyper-Gravity Sensor    Biomemory               Firestone
Izerium                 Chaos Chip              Dark Onyx
                        Iron Cube               Nebula Opal
                        Iron Board              Seventhmoon
                        Carbon Alloy            Stella Crystal
                        Mellow Banana           Edensia
                                                Hyper Crystal

Vedan: Spaceport: Depot

Heal Potion
Recharge Drink
Divine Healing
CO2 Powder
Fire Shield
Electro Shield
Ice Shield
Lapis Lazuli

*       ALISTIA SHOPS           *

MACROS                  BOTTO 
Alistia:                Alistia:Nalvasa Seaway: 
Lapatia Village         Beginning

Heal Potion             Heal Potion
Tri-Heal                Tri-Heal
Max Heal                Recharge Drink
Perfect Heal            Elixir
Recharge Drink          Resurrection
Tri-Charge              Tri-Resurrection
Hot Breath              Electroless
Stamina Extract         Stealth Pills
Paralysis Cure          Depth Chargers
Flame Shield            Big Hawk
Ice Shield              Stellar Dream Bow
Storm Shield    
Deep Slashers   
Rune Breakers   
Satellite HG-EX 
Genocide Beams  
Cool Mist Shower        
Vortex Star     
Bolt Deux       
Mother Ocean Bow        
Hermit's Hatchet        
Shark Hatchet   
Babylon's Hatchet       
Martial Spirit  
Driving Spirit  
Soaring Pleasure        
Blaze Bonus Max 
Knight's Silver 
Heavy Slugger   
Guardian Triple-S       
Punishing Xanadu        

*       JURAIKA SHOPS           *

MOKKA                   KATTARO                 WANBOKO
Juraika:Path            Juraika:Leo             Juraika:Burkaqua: 
to Burkaqua:            King's Castle: 3F       Path to Burkaqua Exit

Heal Potion             Heal Potion             Shining Horn
Resurrection            Recharge Drink          Grand Calibur
Divine Healing          Divine Healing          Deep Aquas
Wake-Up Drops           [Diving Blessing]       Sirius' Claws
Paralysis Cure          Wake-Up Drops           Violet Stars
Sanchez Fruit           Paralysis Cure          Iron Demon
Mellow Banana           Antidote                Gust Shuriken
Juraikan Coffe Beans    Resurrection            Famished Wolf
Rock Crusher            Tri-Resurrection        Wanderlust Bow
Pirate's Glaives        Divine Protection       Terra Bow
Half-Moon Rising        Hoho Bird Feather       [Heavenly Guide Bow]
Shuriken Deux           Myriad Branch           Stellar Prayer Bow
                        Dark Onyx               Hunter's Hatchet
                        Saba Luga               Spirit Hatchet
                        Archfiend's Blade       Valiant Wind
                        Spark Dragon Hatchet    Zipangu Axe
                                                Uranos's Axe

KOLEIWA                 LIMAKA                  UTTARO
Juraika:Path            Juraika:Path            Juraika:
to the Ruins:           to the Altar:           Rhyzas Swamp:
Midpoint                Waterfall               Swamp Bank
Heal Potion             Heal Potion             Heal Potion
Max Heal                Resurrection            Recharge Drink
Tri-Heal                Recharge Drink          Resurrection
Perfect Heal            Stamina Extract         Wake-Up Drops
Recharge Drink          Diamond                 Relaxing Aroma
Tr-Charge               Ruby                    Electroless
Resurrection            Lapis Lazuli            Paralysis Cure
Divine Healing          Yago Milk               Antidote
Plasma Shield           Ultraspicy Pepper       Diamond
Saint Shield            Rising Sun              Flame God's Stone
[Poison Guard]          Warrior's Hatchet       Burning Blaster
[Flame Guard]                                   Pirate's Daggers
Sanchez Fruit                                   Leather Sneakers
Mellow Banana                                   Shuriken
Pirate's Grog           
Innocent Fairies                
Dragonic Core           
Ancient Scroll II               

*       ZERARD SHOPS            *

HANBARNEY               ULGENIE                 DELPHOS
Zerard:Main Street:     Zerard:Main Street:     Zerard:West Side: 
Fountain Plaza          Fountain Plaza          Near the Item Shop

Heal Potion             Heal Potion             Heal Potion
Max Heal                Max Heal                Perfect Heal
Tri-Charge              Tri-Heal                [Perfect Revolver]
[Divine Blessing]       Perfect Heal            Resurrection
Resurrection            Recharge Drink          Stamina Extract
Strength Star           Tri-Charge              Paralysis Cure
Guardian Sphere         Elixir                  Antidote
[Brave Symbol]          Resurrection            Divine Healing
[Attack Seal]           Strength Star           [Trap Cancellor]
[Guard Seal]            Guardian Sphere         [Unconscious Guard]
Stealth Pills           Divine Protection       [Freeze Guard]
03 CPU                  [Mind Guard]            [Shock Guard]
Nanomemory              [Daze Guard]            Zeranium
Revolva Alloy           [Paralyze]              Izerium
Nebula Opala            Sealing Sunsphere       Plasma Burst Circuit
Lunar Ribbon            Ridge Crusher           Ruby
Pirate's Ashes          White Lightning         Firestone
Aerie Sneakers          Starlight               Mellow Banana
Wishing Stars           Astral Rod              Hard Candy
Gaea Bow                Flying Saucer Max       Juraikan Coffee Beans
Mermaid Hatchet         [Devastator]    
Vintage Wear            
ALICE                   SHAZELLE                RANT
Zerard:West Side:       Zerard:East Side:       Zerard:Starship 
Near the Item Shop      Near the                Factory: Near 
                        Insectron Stadium       the Entrance
Star Edge               Insector Trap I         Murakamo Type-O
Shining Blazon          Insector Trap II        [Alexander]
Metal Breaker           Rearing Cage I          Body Arms
Rumblerosse             Rearing Cage II         Tyrant Blaster
Burning Blaster DX      Battle Feed             Frost Magnum DX
Zenon D                 Feed Formula            King Shooter
[Devil Forks]           Smoked Rainbow Newt     [Justice Ray]
Arhat's Tonfas          Electric Eel            Cosmo Talismans
Mode Sneakers           Diamond                 Aqua Slashers
Prime Sneakers          Ruby                    Luminous Batons
Wild Boots              Lapis Lazuli            Siren Stars
Lovely Taps             Firestone               Knockout Hands
Greater Hands           Dark Onyx               Giga Hands
Inferno Hands           Nebula Opal             [Deep Drill Fingers]
Iron Miner Hands        Seventhmoon             Roaring Knuckles
Full Metal Punishers    Stella Crystal          Satellite SG
Flaming Air             Edensia                 Satellite MG
Evil Breath             Sanchez Fruit           Beam Satellites
Ranger Pod II           Mellow Banana           Flaming Draken
Lunar Glint             Sticky Gum              [Twin Tornado]
Half-Moon Dawn          Hard Candy              Missile Pod IV
Diabolic Shredder       Yago Milk               Combat Freak
Ice Demon Fang          Jumaikan Coffee Beans   Gatling Launcher
Bolt Shuriken           Ultraspicy Pepper       Icy Wheel
Flame Shuriken          Primeval Beef           Forest Runner Bow
Sea Queller Bow         Pirate's Grog           Hapyunes SG
Stormbringer Bow                                Maniac Spear
Mud Spider Hatchet                              Mirage Spear
???                                             Holy Javelin
Flying Saucer Box                               Old Coin Purse
Fun Fun Pouch                                   [Homing Shooter]
Great Dane                                      Ender's Power
Assault Vulcan                                  Ballistic Blast
Omega Star                                      Wind Shield
Ancient Scroll I                                Storm Shield
Longardian Armor                                Hyper Crystal
                                                [Excelion Shard]

UTOLL                   AMAND                   OUKI 
Zerard:Prison:          Zerard:Prison:          Zerard:Prison: 
Level 1                 Level 2                 Level 3

Heal Potion             Heal Potion             Heal Potion
Max Heal                Max Heal                Max Heal
Tri-Heal                Recharge Drink          Recharge Drink
Recharge Drink          Elixir                  Resurrection
Resurrection            Resurrection            Relaxing Aroma
Wake-Up Drops           Stamina Extract         Hot Breath
Antidote                Sanchez Fruit           Stamina Extract
CO2 Powder              Mellow Banana           Antidote
Hyper Crystal           Sticky Gum              Binding Frost
Omega Star              Hard Candy              Earth and Sky Bow
Crimson Fever           Yago Milk               Triton Hatchet
Electro Nozzle          Juraikan Coffee Beans   
Ranger Pod I            
Sea Gazer Bow           

SELSHU                  JOSEPH                  MIRALKA 
Zerard:Gladius          Zerard: East Side -     Zerard:East Side: 
Towers: 2nd Tower:      Near the Insectron      Near the Insectron 
3F                      Stadium                 Stadium

Heal Potion             Heal Potion             Insectron License
Max Heal                Max Heal
Recharge Drink          Recharge Drink
Tri-Charge              Tri-Charge
Resurrection            Elixir
Stella Crystal          [Tri-Elixir]
Edensia                 Resurrection
Dream Mushroom          Wake-Up Drops
Pressure Pump           Hot Breath
Speaker Pod             Electroless
Nebula Opal             CO2 Powder
Sanchez Fruit           Divine Healing
Pirate's Grog           Energy Charger
Mountain Nymph Bow      Pressure Pump
Sage's Spear            Retro Boombox
                        O3 CPU
                        Iron Cube
                        Iron Board
                        Carbon Alloy
                        Conductive Liqui-Metal X
                        Sealing Sunsphere

BIVINE                  WUSHO                   JOSHUA
Zerard:Starship         Zerard: Prison:         Zerard: Starship
Factory: Near           Level 4                 Factory: Near 
Pocacchio's Lab                                 Pocacchio's Lab
Heal Potion             Heal Potion             Iron Cube
Tri-Heal                Max Heal                Iron Board
Tri-Charge              Recharge Drink          Carbon Alloy
Resurrection            Resurrection            Revolva Alloy
Electroless             Divine Healing          Zeranium
Paralysis Cure          Antidote                Izerium
Guardian Sphere         Ranger Pod I            Izerium Alloy
Cyclonic Pump                                   Tachyon Motor
Speaker Pod                                     Moebius Battery
Chaos Chip                                      Pressure Pump
Space Compressor                                Super CPU
Revolva Alloy                                   03 CPU
Izerium                                         Nanomemory
Chamelon Particulate                            Space Compressor
Sticky Gum                                      Plasma Burst Circuit
Hard Candy                                      Diamond
Steel Hammer Fists                              Ruby
                                                Lapis Lazuli
                                                Flame God's Stone
                                                Thunder Stone
                                                Snow Crest
                                                Electric Eel
                                                Medusa's Locks
                                                Queen Been Stinger
                                                Hellpot Flame
                                                Myriad Branch
                                                Energy Armor
*       MARIGLENN SHOPS         *
NARCISSUS               FERRIS                  TECHITON 
Mariglenn:Queen's       Mariglenn:Queen's       Mariglenn:Ti'atha Forest: 
Palace:Queen's          Palace: Queen's         Midpoint
Chamber (down the       Chamber (down the 
elevator)               elevator)

Adamon Raiser           Heal Potion             Heal Potion
Judgment Halo           Max Heal                Max Heal
Enamel Roses            Tri-Heal                Elixir
Nebula Arms             Perfect Heal            Resurrection
Dread Dominion          Recharge Drink          Prominence Shield
Weeping Nemesis         Tri-Charge              Blizzard Shield
Leopard Aim             Resurrection            Plasma Shield
Heavenly Vision         Tri-Resurrection        Typhoon Shield
Arachnitengu            Relaxing Aroma          [Deus Shield]
Moonbeam Bow            Hot Breath              [Stealth Guard]
Total Genius            Antidote                [Divine Blessing]
Galactic Buster         [Unconscious Guard]     Mirror Unit
Ancient Scroll III      [Poison Guard]          Rose of Passion
Swordsman's Gi          [Flame Guard]           Dreamflower Ash
                        Stealth Pills           Dream Mushroom
                        Conductive Liqui-Metal  Smoked Rainbow Newt
                        Chameleon Particulate   Trumpet of Glory
                        Biofeedback Circuit     
                        Trumpet of Glory        

FRANTAN                 CHARLES
Mariglenn:              Mariglenn:
Gulza Sanctuary:        Mother's Lair: 
Plaza                   Midpoint

Heal Potion             Heal Potion
Max Heal                Tri-Charge
Tri-Heal                Elixir
Perfect Heal            Resurrection
Resurrection            [Perfect Reviver]
Divine Healing          Guardian Sphere
Wake-Up Drops           Snow Crest
Relaxing Aroma          [Freeze Guard]
CO2 Powder              [Shock Guard]
Medusa's Locks          Spirit Bell
Mirror Unit             Murderous Arms
Cyclonic Pump           Sunbringer Bow
Beast King Hatchet      Heavenly Oratorio
                        Thrilling UFO Set

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