
Rogue Galaxy: Chapter 8 Part III

2:36 AM | ,

|   Vedan Myna/Cancer King's Ruins   |

o---------------------------------o  Once you arrive you destination is the
|    Treasure Chests Found (36)   |  small passage next to Drapp (east of the
o---------------------------------o  item shop). Follow the road for a bit and
|Lupine Coat                      |  encounter a small scene and a battle
|Premiere Toy Box                 |  against some Longardian Soldiers. These
|Hot Breath x2                    |  guys are a joke, two Desert Wind Lv.3
|Hellpot Flame x4                 |  should do the trick, or just hack away.
|Dream Mushroom x4                |  After a couple of scenes you will receive
|Thunder Stone                    |  Harry's Bell. Purchase what you need from
|Mimic                            |  this shop. Save at the teleporter and grab
|Chameleon Particulate (Earth Key)|  the two chests containing LUPINE COAT and
|Hellpot Flame                    |  PREMIERE TOY BOX. Take a quick right at
|Bestla's Spear                   |  the bottom of the steps for a chest
|Energy Charger                   |  containing HOT BREATH x2. Follow the path
|Dream Mushroom x3                |
|Max Heal x2                      |  and you will reach a larger open area.
|Medusa's Locks                   |  Head west and then north to find a ladder
|Heal Potion x4                   |  leading back to Myna. Climb it and talk to
|Nebula Opal                      |  Jobman for a Factory blueprint and Minty
|Divine Protection                |  to add information to the Info Edge. You
|Forbidden Add-On                 |  can also find two chests containing
|Mimic                            |  HELLPOT FLAME x2 and DREAM MUSHROOM x4.
|Military-Grade Battery           |
|Perfect Hunter                   |  Head back down the ladder and search to
|Divine Blessing                  |  the west for a chest containing THUNDER
|Dragon God Skull                 |  STONE. There is another just south of the
|Hoho Bird Feather                |  ladder containing Mimic. Once you defeat
|Absolute Zero Stone              |  it head east, past the starting point
|Athena Shoes                     |  entryway and take the southern passage.
|Smoked Rainbow Newt              |  Drop down near the underpass and grab the
|Ancient Scroll II                |  chest containing CHAMELEON PARTICULATE
|Black Owl                        |  (Earth Key). Continue following the
|Perfect Elixir (Star Key)(16)    |  passage, ignoring the passage to the left.
|CO2 Powder x4                    |  Search in the bottom area just below it
|Mimic                            |  for a chest containing HELLPOT FLAME. Now
|Dark Music Box                   |  follow this passage straight to the end
|Alluring Lamp x2                 |  and head to the north through the small
|Lubricant                        |  passageway. Upon exiting the tunnel you
|Moebius Battery (Sun Key)(7)     |  can talk to Nico to add information to
|Mimic                            |  the Info Edge. Head directly south of
o---------------------------------o  them and across the gap to find a chest
|    Enemies found in area (9)    |  containing BESTLA'S SPEAR.
|Great Raiden (25)                |  Now head back through the passageway, and
|Dark Kong (30)                   |  head west to reach a passage heading
|Metalman (30)                    |  south. Follow it and you will be in a
|Ice Slime (30)                   |  another large room. Head east to find a
|Lapis (30)                       |  chest containing ENERGY CHARGER. Head east
|Vedabird (30)                    |  and you will reach a chest containing
|Killer Wind (25)                 |  DREAM MUSHROOM x3 and a ladder heading
|Wise Stump (30)                  |  down. At the bottom drop off the ledge to
|Red Strap (30)                   |  find a teleporter. Before you can save you
o---------------------------------o  will encounter a small scene. Once that
is finished, save and use Harry's Bell at the "Thinking Circle". After the
scene, search behind a wall the the west of the teleporter for two chests
containing MEDUSA'S LOCKS and HEAL POTION x4. Cross the newly formed bridge and
head west a bit for a chest containing MAX HEAL x2. Now head east past the
stairs and search behind another small wall for two chests containing NEBULA
OPAL and DIVINE PROTECTION. Climb the stairs and drop down the ladder to enter
the next area.

Upon entering the next area drop off the ledge to the west and search for a
chest containing FORBIDDEN ADD-ON. Directly south you can find another chest
containing a Mimic. Head back towards the entryway and head east and collect
the chest on top of the bridge for MILITARY-GRADE BATTERY. If you have
purchased the Quarry "The Shapeless Assassin" you can head south and into
the small tunnels to find a "Thinking Circle". Use a Smoked Rainbow Newt to

OPTIONAL BOSS BATTLE; Megalomantis (Recommended level 45)
HP; 18,000 HP
Drops; 4,000 Exp, 1,349 Zehn, Riding Outfit, 13,500 Hunter Points

Not a hard boss, but can hit you for quite a bit of damage if he leaps at you.
Use buffs and swing away at him and he should fall shortly. Collect the 13,500
Hunter Points at the next teleporter.

Head back up and continue to the far east of this room to find a chest
containing PERFECT HUNTER. Head south from there ignoring the path to the
left, then head west at the next opportunity. Search the far west wall for
(thief's trap). Head east and climb the stairs along the south wall for a
chest containing ABSOLUTE ZERO STONE and a teleporter. Save, and jump down the
ladder and into a smaller room. Head south a bit for a scene and..

BOSS BATTLE; Seed (Recommended level 45)
HP; ????
Drops: Nothing

Like before, you can't beat this guy. You need to survive for just over a
minute until a scene occurs. You can get his life bar down but you can't kill
him. After the scene head south and drop down the ladder and into the next

In the next area there is a shop at the bottom of the step. Head east from the
shop to find a chest containing ATHENA SHOES. Head south from there and you
will reach another teleporter. Save, and check the chest to the east a little
bit for an ANCIENT SCROLL II and head north from there. On the bridge near the
shop is a chest containing SMOKED RAINBOW NEWT and just south chest containing
Mimic. From the teleporter head eastand search beside the bridge for a chest
containing BLACK OWL. Continue east until you run into another wall and then
head south. Eventually you will reach another teleporter, so save and grab the
chest in front of it for PERFECT ELIXIR (Star Key). From the teleporter head
east and search the southern wall at the end for three chests containing CO2
POWDER x4, a Mimic and DARK MUSIC BOX. From the teleported head south to the
bridge and then head west. Once you reach the wall head south, ignore the
small pathway to the right and search and search the bridge near it for a
chest containing ALLURING LAMP x2. Head south foe a bit until your next
opportunity to go east. From there continue east along the northern side of
this path and you will come across a chest containing LUBRICANT. Directly
south and up a set of stairs is a chest which requires the Sun Key. Now use
the teleporter here and jump down the ladder to be in the final room.

Continue south to watch a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Assault Walker x3 (Recommended level 45)
HP; 6,500 (each)
Drops; 1,728 Exp, 1,044, various items

Not really what you would consider a boss battle since you have beaten a few
of these guys in the factory already. You will need to use Jaster's Barrier on
each of them first. Afterward just spam multi hitting moves like Desert Wind,
Voodoo Dance, Supernova, etc,. etc,. They will fall before long. After the
battle and a short scene you will receive the Cancer King's Key Piece.

That's two down and one more to go, but first there are some new quarries
to be purchased. Make your way back to Zerard and the Galaxy Corperation to
purchase the following Quarries;

"The Sin-Steeped Drifter"
"The Rumored Ladyhunter"

You can do these if you want or you can head to Gladius Towers. I advise
getting them out of the way though. First head to Juraika and teleport to
the Path to Burkaqua village/Creekside. Head east from there and head south at
the next opportunity. Continue down and you will see a "Thinking Circle". Use
a Myriad Branch and you will battle..

OPTIONAL BOSS BATTLE; Tengulsam (Recomended Level 45)
HP; 18,000
Drops; 4,000 Exp, 1,350 Zehn, Mist Edges, 17,500 Hunter Points

Okay now for another jump and attack type of boss. This guy is actually quite
simple. Use buffs and just keep swinging away at the head. Heal when necessary
and this boss should drop in no time at all. An easy 17,500 Hunter Points for
you once you cash them in a teleporter.

Now put the two females in your active party and head for Vedan. Teleport to
Myna/South Myna Station Plaza. Head west from there and you will find another
"Thinking Circle". Use a Magic Lipstick and you will battle..

OPTIONAL BOSS BATTLE; Garuski (Recommended level 45)
HP; 18,000
Drops; 4,000 Exp, 1,144 Zehn, Tribal Two-Piece, 16,000 Hunter Points

This guy is nothing more than a big punching bag. You will need to charge to
break his barrier, unless Lilika does it for you. Be careful when he starts
rolling around keep healed up when necessary. Use buffs if you want as well.
Either way this ape should be gone in no time at all. Now go back and get those
16,000 Hunter points. Right now you should be sitting somewhere around rank
4-6. Now head for Zerard and continue you quest for the last key piece.

|   Zerard, The Gladius Towers (Left)   |

o---------------------------------o  Your next destination is the north exit
|    Treasure Chests Found (34)   |  from the Galaxy Corperation. Take the
o---------------------------------o  path to the left and follow it and you
|Primeval Beef                    |  will eventually reach a door blocked by
|Forbidden Add-On                 |  a barrier. A small scene will unfold and
|Hyper-Gravity Sensor (thief's)   |  you will recieve the Burst Mode Switch.
|Cursed Mask                      |
|Sticky Gum x2                    |  You will have to head back to the big door
|Relaxing Aroma x2                |  again from Pocacchio's Office. Once you
|Divine Healing x3                |  arrive use the Burst Mode Switch at the
|Evil Cacophony (bomb trap)       |  "Thinking Circle". Now enter one of the
|Revolva Alloy                    |  longest dungeons of the main game.
|Plasma Shield                    |  Inside you will encounter a small scene
|Flame God's Stone x2             |  and be given the Libra King's Sword. Watch
|Snow Crest                       |  the small scene with Steve, and save. Take
|Sealing Sunsphere                |  the elevator up to floor 2. 
|Dragon God Skull                 |
|Lunar Ribbon                     |  Ignore the path to the right for now and
|Mimic                            |  take the path to the left. Continue down
|Mimic                            |  and climb the stairs. At the top you will
|Brave Symbol                     |  find a chest containing PRIMEVAL BEEF. Now
|Medusa's Locks                   |  head back and take the path to the right.
|Skull Necklace                   |  Take the stairs at the end of the path up
|Sacred Wanderer Bow (bomb trap)  |  to the top half of the floor. Search the
|Captain's Sock                   |  chest upon arriving at the top for
|Hoho Bird Feather x2             |  FORBIDDEN ADD-ON. Head up and grab the
|Dreamflower Ash                  |  chest containing HYPER-GRAVITY SENSOR. Now
|Perfect Heal x3                  |  head east along the path and down the
|Stamina Extract x4               |  stairs, and continue until you come across
|Guardian Sphere x2 (bomb trap)   |  a large open area of this floor. Follow
|Izerium Alloy                    |  the path to the left, ignaoring the forks
|Ancient Scroll II                |  and grab the chest containing CURSED MASK.
|Alluring Lamp                    |  Now take the passage closest to you. Watch
|Thunder Shield                   |  another scene at the teleporter then save.
|Tradition Worksuit               |  Now ride the elevator to floor 3.
|Max Heal x2                      |
|Forbidden Add-On                 |  Continue along the path and up the stairs.
|Mirror Unit                      |  At the top take the path to the left all
o---------------------------------o  the way to the end and grab the chest
|   Enemies found in area (15)    |  containing STICKY GUM x2. Take the path to
o---------------------------------o  the left and follow it down to a door.
|Will O' The Wisp (30)            |  Search to the right of it for two chests
|Ancient Knight (25)              |  containing RELAXING AROMA x2 and DIVINE
|Dark Buffalo (20)                |  HEALING x3. Head through the door and you
|Red Jellyman (30)                |  will come across a shopkeeper. Purchase
|Ancient Baron (25)               |  what you need and enter the other door.
|Type-G (25)                      |  You will now be in the other tower. Once
|Phobos (25)                      |  inside follow the path and climb the
|Baroque (28)                     |  stairs. At the top take the path to the
|Ancient Sword (25)               |  west and grab the chest containing EVIL
|Redbolt (30)                     |  CACOPHONY (bomb trap) and a set of stairs.
|Seven Plus (30)                  |  Head down the stairs, following the path
|Stealth Hornet (20)              |  and you will reach another set of stairs.
|Death Gold (30)                  |  Continue along going down yet another set
|Hell Corpse (30)                 |  of stairs until you reach a fork. Take the
o---------------------------------o  path to the right and head to the upper
area. Head right and you will come across a chest containing REVOLVA ALLOY.
Now head back down to the lower are and take the other path this time. Save at
the teleporter and ride the elevator up to floor 4.

Head north ignoring the path to the left for now and climb the stairs to reach
a chest containing PLASMA SHIELD. Head bach downstairs and take the other path
this time. Right way there is a split in the path heading north and south, they
both connect together a little ways ahead. Go north and you will find a chest
containing FLAME GOD'S STONE x2. Now head down and take the other path this
time. Continue on this path and up a set of stairs. At the top head north and
down another flight of stairs. Just down the hall after climbing down the
stairs a small scene will occur. Head right at the T-intersection and up to
the upper level. Head left at the top and then left again the next chance.
Follow the small path up some stairs for a chest containing SNOW CREST. Now
head back to the upper area and continue following the path. Take the next
path to the left and down the stairs to find a chest containing SEALING
SUNSPHERE. Head up the stairs in front of you and follow the path until you
reach another set of stairs. Save at the teleporter and ride the elevator to
floor 5.

Ignore the path to the right for now and head up to the upper level and search
to the right for a chest containing DRAGON GOD SKULL. Head back down to the
lower area and take the other path this time. Climb the stairs, following the
path and then down another set of stairs. Follow the path until head reach a
fork. Head right and grab the chest for a LUNAR RIBBON and then up the stairs.
Follow along the path to reach a chest containing a Mimic. Continue forward and
and down a set of stairs. Continue following the path and up another set of
stairs. Take the set of stairs to the right to reach two chests containing
Mimic and BRAVE SYMBOL. Now head back up and continue down the path and down
a set of stairs. Follow the path and up another set of stairs. Just ahead there
is a chest containing MEDUSA'S LOCKS. Continue down another flight of stairs
and you will reach a door. go through it an you will end up back in the tower
you started in. Just ahead there is a path that branches to the left. Take the
left path and then turn left at the next branch. Climb the stairs for a chest
containing SKULL NECKLACE. Now head back and head up the stairs to the upper
area. Once you get to the top head left and follow the path until you reach a
chest containing SACRED WANDERER BOW (bomb trap) and a path heading left. Once
you get down to the bottom of the stairs take the path to the left and up some
stairs. Follow the path for a bit and then down another set of stairs. At the
bottom there is a chest containing CAPTAIN'S SOCK. Take a right at the 4-way
interection and right again at the T-junction to reach a teleporter. Save, and
ride the elevator to floor 6.

Head up the stairs and follow the path and you will reach a chest containing
HOHO BIRD FEATHER x2. Head down the stairs and take a right at the 4-way
intersection to reach two chests containing DREAMFLOWER ASH and PERFECT HEAL
x3. Head back to the 4-way intersection and turn left. At the top of the stairs
head left and down another set of stairs. Search beside the staircase for two
chests containing STAMINA EXTRACT x4 and GUARDIAN SPHERE x2 (bomb trap). Climb
back up the stairs and follow the path to the east. Continue up the path to
eventually reach a chest containing IZERIUM ALLOY. Follow the path and you will
reach another set of stairs. Head down and back up some more stairs to reach
the upper level. Take the right path and enter the first path to the right for
a chest containing ANCIENT SCROLL II. Head back up the stairs and continue
right until you reach another passage to the right. Keep following this path
and you will reach a teleporter. Save and ride the elevator to floor 7.

Head up the path and grab the two chests containing ALLURING LAMP and THUNDER
SHIELD, and then climb the stairs. Continue down the path for a while and down
the next set of stairs. Follow the path and then head up another set of stairs.
Follow the path to reach a chest containing TRADITIONAL WORKSUIT and a door. If
you bought the Quarry information for "The Tower Predator" you can use a
Perfect Elixir at the "Thinking Circle" to battle..

OPTIONAL BOSS; Lepognon Mammoth (Recommended level 47)
HP; 22,000
Drops; 4,500 Exp, 1,197 Zehn, Genocide Beams, 13,000 Hunter Points

This boss is actually very simple if you use Illusion sword and buffs. He may
freeze you so be ready to remedy it if needed and of course keep an eye on your
HP. He should fall rather quickly. Cash in at the next opportunity for 13,000
Hunter Points.

Head through the other door and into the other tower again. Follow the path to
reach a chest above some stairs for MAX HEAL x2. Head down the stairs and up
the next to be in the upper area. Follow the path to the left and enter the
passageway at the end. Follow this path to eventually reach two chests
containing FORBIDDEN ADD-ON and MIRROR UNIT next to a set of stairs. Head up
the stairs and keep following the path and you will reach a teleporter. Save
and head back to purchase any healing items you may need. Once you are ready
ride the elevator up to floor 8.

Head up a bit for a scene and battle..

BOSS BATTLE; Phantom Gazel (Recommended level 47)
HP; 15,132
Drops; 4,100 Exp, 1,820 Zehn, Perfect Reviver, Stealth Pills

This boss is quite tough, not only because he can hit hard with whirlwind
attacks, but he can also teleport. Have your supporting character use buff
skills while Jaster uses Illusion Sword. Though his HP will drop fast it's
hard to keep the momentum up with him teleporting all the time. Make sure you
contantly heal as he can knock out one or two of your characters fairly
quickly. Just keep plugging away and he will eventually go down. After a short
scene it will be time to head to the other pain in the ass tower. Make your way
down the elevator and transport out. Make sure to replenish supplies at this

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