
Rogue Galaxy: Chapter 8 Part II

2:33 AM | ,

BOSS BATTLE; Mad Witch (Recommended Level 42)
HP; 13,830
Drops; 4,100 Exp, 2,100 Zehn, Perfect Heal, Omega Star

Another very tough batttle, or at least can be if you are not prepared. She is
fast, she hits very hard and she teleports. Be careful because not only is her
lightning skill devasting but she can also confuse you as well. There are two
ways you can do this battle. The first is spamming Desert Wind Lv.3 or using
Illusion Sword and a buff spell. Make sure you try and keep your HP topped at
all times because you could wind up with two characters dead in less than a
second. Thankfully she doen't have that much in terms of HP. If you are
spamming Desert Wind Lv.3 try and keep one of the other two character dedicated
to healing while your action gauge is filling. Either way she shouldn't take
too long.

After a small scene you will finally be able to leave this rock. You will also
obtain the first of three key pieces. Now head back to the Dorgenark and try to
pick another destination. You will now be able to do the optional planet

Now you can go there or you can go to the next key piece, but before you go
anywhere head to the Galaxy Corperation and buy the Quarry;

"The Jungle Master"

Now if you want you can take a party of Jaster, Zegram and your choice and
head to the End Point teleporter on Juraika, Path to the Ruins. Save at the
teleporter, and then use a Cursed Mask at the "Thinking Circle" in the same
room and be prepare to face..

OPTIONAL BOSS BATTLE; Beast Leone (Recommended Level 42+)
HP; Head: 4,000
Body: 40,000
Drops; 6,000 Exp, 1,782 Zehn, Heavenly Guide Bow, 45,000 Hunter Points

This battle is more of a test of endurance more than a test of strength.
The first thing you need to do is defeat the core on his head. Use Zegram's
Fire Sword since this boss is weak to fire attacks. If you have the
Earthbreaker it will badly hurt this boss as well since it can get a 99
fire to its attacks and it produces flames. Jump to attack the core and it
shouldn't take too long to destroy. Make sure you heal frequently because
this boss can hit rather hard. Once the core is destroyed continue with the
Fire Swords and any buffing skills such as Warrior God's Cry, Aromatic Boost
or anything else that boosts party strength. Now you are free to swing away
at the body. Be careful if he lunges at you, as he can inflict major damage.
It will take a while to beat since it had a very high HP total and high
defense. Eventually it will fall and you will be able to cash in for a
whopping 45,000 Hunter Points. Sweet!!! You may even get to rank 10 with
these points.

If you were able to beat him, then you are ready to take on one more
unfinished quarry. You should now be able to finish "The Cave Bandit"
quarry. Head to Vedan and go back into the mines and use a Stella Crystal
at the "Thinking Circle" in the large open area past the spot you fought
Gale (the tablet pit). Be prepared to face..

OPTIONAL BOSS BATTLE; Paul the Ripper (Recommended Level 42+)
HP; 40,000
Drops; 6,000 Exp, 1,684 Zehn, Winter's Chill, 18,000 Hunter Points

Now for another fairly hard battle. This guy hits a little harder than
the Beast Leone, and instead of a weakness towards Fire, he is weak against
Lightning. Unfortunately the Earthshaker has low Lightning affinity, but you
should be able to use Flash Sword Lv.3. Start the battle by using Flash Sword
Lv.2 0r 3 and use a buffing skill with one of the other characters (I prefer
Warrior God's Cry myself). Heal frequently, re-use your buffs when they run
out. It will take awhile to beat him with his defense being high but you
shouldn't have too much difficulty taking him down.

Now cash in and get those Hunter Points. You should be around rank 8-10 by now
provided you have finished a few of the quarries and got most of the monster
hunts done. Once you are finished head back to the Dorgenark. Skip to the next
section if you want to continue getting the Key pieces or head to Alistia

**OPTIONAL DUNGEON/AREA 1; Alistia, The Water Planet**

|   Alistia, Lapatia Village   |

o---------------------------------o  After arriving at at Alistia ride the
|    Treasure Chests Found (9)    |  gondala down from the deck and save at
o---------------------------------o  the teleporter just ahead of where you
|Captain's Sock                   |  land. Just north through the tunnel is
|Izerium Alloy                    |  the village of Lapatia. The first hut
|Alluring Lamp                    |  you will come across contains a chest
|Max Heal x2                      |  containing CAPTAIN'S SOCK, and a shop.
|Lucky Clover x2 (Sun Key)(5)     |  There are quite a few good items to
|Phantom Slayer                   |  choose from. Pick up some shields,
|Prominence Shield                |  Perfect Heal and other items that you
|Silver Bangle                    |  need. Now head through the north exit of
|Sealing Sunsphere x2             |  the hut and climb the stairs to the right
o---------------------------------o  to find four chests. One is locked by the
Sun Key, the others contain IZERIUM ALLOY, ALLURING LAMP, MAX HEAL x2. There
are two other chests in the village outside containing PHANTOM SLAYER and
PROMINENCE SHIELD. Head behind the Item shop and then behind another hut.
Approach the last hut to watch a short scene. Now you can use the north exit
of the village. Save at the teleporter and follow the path until you reach a
chest containing SILVER BANGLE and an elevator. Grab the chest at the top for
abother chest containing SEALING SUNSTONE. Just ahead is a new area.

|   Alistia, Nalvasa Seaway   |

o---------------------------------o  Before taking the bridge north, head east
|    Treasure Chests Found (27)   |  and grab the chest containing MIRROR UNIT.
o---------------------------------o  Head across the bridge and then turn left
|Mirror Unit                      |  immediately and up a little bit to find a
|Ice Shield                       |  chest containing ICE SHIELD. Jump off the
|Opinicus EX                      |  ledge ahead and search to the left for a
|Nebuladon Egg                    |  chest containing OPINICUS EX. Continue on
|Lupine Launcher                  |  ignoring the ledge to the left until you
|Tri-Heal x3                      |  hit a open area. Search in the north tip
|Despera Tonfas (thief's trap)    |  for a chest containing NEBULADON EGG.
|Star Earring                     |  Continue east and search beside the Palm
|Spirit Chorus                    |  tree for a chest containing LUPINE
|Succubus Slippers                |  LAUNCHER. A little further ahead is a
|Excelion Shard x2                |  shopkeeper, so purchase what you need
|Nebuladon Egg                    |  and continue east. Up ahead there is a
|Mermaid's Scale (Sun Key)(6)     |  teleporter and a brance in the road. Save,
|Mimic                            |  and take the north path.
|Tri-Elixir x4 (Star Key)(15)     |  
|Lunar Ribbon                     |  You will shortly come across two chests
|Heal Potion x3                   |  containing TRI-HEAL and DESPERA TONFAS
|Tri-Charge x2                    |  (thief's trap). Continue along the path
|Dark Music Box                   |  until you see a path heading south. Grab
|Stamina Extract                  |  the chest on the right containing STAR
|Mimic                            |  EARRING, but don't jump off the edge. If
|Recharge Drink x3                |  you jump across the small ledge to the
|Mimic                            |  left and then another just ahead you can
|Perfect Reviver                  |  grab three chests containing SPIRIT CHORUS
|Divine Protection x2             |  SUCCUBUS SLIPPERS and EXCELION SHARD x2.
|Electric Eel                     |  Be careful when jumping otherwise you will
|Hyper Crystal                    |  have to head back around and try it again.
o---------------------------------o  Jump down off the ledge and grab the chest
|    Enemies found in area (12)   |  in the southeast close to the water for a
o---------------------------------o  NEBULADON EGG. Head down the east path and
|Kull Jelly (30)                  |  you find another teleporter, so save and
|Man-o-war (25)                   |  head east a touch. There will be a small
|Clapper (20)                     |  scene and a battle against some Jig Doll.
|Skalapper (20)                   |  Just use a Desert Wind Lv.3 to dispatch
|Chadeath (20)                    |  them easily. East of the teleporter are
|Piranhger (20) *                 |  two chests. One requires the Sun Key and
|Panther Eel (25)                 |  the other contains a Mimic. Head east from
|Angler (20)                      |  the Mimic and then head south until you
|Death Wing (30)                  |  find a chest containing TRI-ELIXIR x3. Now
|Coral Mountain (25) *            |  retirn to the large open area.
|Jig Doll (30) *                  |  
|Pelikinger (20)                  |  There are two paths to choose from, one
|                                 |  far north or straight east. Head towards
|* - appears towards the end of   |  the north path, since the other path
|the dungeon                      |  contains only one chest and it is fairly
o---------------------------------o  close to where the paths reconnect. Toward
the north of this large area there are two chests on the east side of the path
containing LUNAR RIBBON and HEAL POTION x3 The western side of the path has
two chests containing TRI-CHARGE x2 and DARK MUSIC BOX. Head down the hill and
cross the bridge. Follow the path for a while you will run into a chest
containing STAMINA EXTRACT. Now climb up the ledge to the southeast and follow
the path to eventually reach a wide open beach and a bunch of ruined ships. To
the north a bit there is is chest beside a tree containing Mimic. Continue
alnog the path to reach a chest containing RECHARGE DRINK x3. Continue until
you reach another teleporter and two paths heading either south or east. Save,
and take the south path first. Follow it over the shallow water and open the
chest up ahead for a Mimic. After beating it, head just past the teleporter and
jump up the cliffs to the right to get a chest containing PERFECT REVIVER.

Through the narrow passage way you will encounter another small scene. Search
in the area for a chest containing ELECTRIC EEL. To the west a bit you can jump
up on a ledge for two chests containing HYPER CRYSTAL and DIVINE PROTECTION x2.
Continue to the east and enter the cave for a couple of small scenes. Now just
follow the skinny path to reach the last teleporter on this planet. Save, and
head back to resupply if needed. Once you are ready enter the next area for
another scene and..

OPTIONAL BOSS BATTLE; Ganymedis (Recommended level 44)
HP; 15,806
Drops; 4,100 Exp, 1,820 Zehn, Spirit Calibur

This battle should be fairly easy depending on whether you have the
Earthbreaker or not. Start by using Illusion sword and having one of the other
character use a buff skill. You have to hit the head in the fight, and with the
pincers it can be annoying. Just keep whacking away and after you take off
about half his HP a scene will now occur. Now he will be a little harder since
he like to make dashes at your party, so make sure you keep healing frequently.
Use the same tactics as before and he should take too long.

Once you defeat him you will now be back at the Lapatia village and you will
receive Jaster's Pirate Outfit. Once you are finished with this you are now
ready to get the second key piece.


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